Universitätsstraße 38
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 1.332
Office Hours
By arrangement
- Large Language Models
- Service Computing
- Automated Service Compostion
- Distributed Systems
- IoT
- Edge Computing
- Cloud Computing
- Software-Define Vehicle
- Stötzner, M., Breitenbücher, U., Pesl, R.D., Becker, S.: Managing the Variability of Component Implementations and Their Deployment Configurations Across Heterogeneous Deployment Technologies. In: Sellami, M., Vidal, M.-E., van Dongen, B., Gaaloul, W., and Panetto, H. (eds.) Cooperative Information Systems. pp. 61--78. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
- Pesl, R.D., Klein, K., Aiello, M.: Verfahren zur Nutzung von unbekannten neuen Systemdiensten in einer Fahrzeuganwendung/Method for utilising unknown new system services in a vehicle application., (2024).
- Pesl, R.D., Breitenbücher, U., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Service-Oriented Integration of SuperTuxKart. In: Troya, J., Mirandola, R., Navarro, E., Delgado, A., Segura, S., Ortiz, G., Pautasso, C., Zirpins, C., Fernández, P., and Ruiz-Cortés, A. (eds.) Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2022 Workshops. pp. 359--363. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
- Pesl, R.D., Stötzner, M., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Uncovering LLMs for Service-Composition: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2023 Workshop on AI-enabled Process Automation. Springer Nature (2023).
- Stötzner, M., Breitenbücher, U., Pesl, R.D., Becker, S.: Using Variability4TOSCA and OpenTOSCA Vintner for Holistically Managing Deployment Variability. In: Mannhardt, F. and Assy, N. (eds.) Proceedings of the Demonstration Track co-located with the International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems 2023, CoopIS 2023, Groningen, The Netherlands, October 30 - November 3, 2023. pp. 36--40. (2023).
Research Projects
Development of foundations for new software development methodology for future vehicle generations