OpenTOSCA - Open Source TOSCA Ökosystem

Software Projekt

OpenTOSCA ist eine Laufzeitumgebung für TOSCA-basierte Anwendungen. Dabei wird eine vollautomatische Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von Anwendungen durch Managementpläne ermöglicht.

The Project

OpenTOSCA provides an open source ecosystem for the OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) standard which was developed at the University of Stuttgart. As the name indicates, TOSCA has two parts (i) the topology, describing the components and relations of the application, and (ii) the orchestration, explicitly modeling management aspects of the application. 

The OpenTOSCA ecosystem consists out of three parts, as shown in the figure above:

  1. OpenTOSCA Container, a TOSCA runtime environment
  2. Winery, a graphical modeling TOSCA tool
  3. Vinothek, a self-service portal for the applications available in the container

Find out more on our OpenTOSCA Website or explore our GitHub profile for detailed information about how to develop and use the ecosystem.


Selected Publications

  • Overview of the OpenTOSCA Ecosystem:
    Breitenbücher, Uwe; Endres, Christian; Képes, Kálmán; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Wagner, Sebastian; Wettinger, Johannes; Zimmermann, Michael: The OpenTOSCA Ecosystem - Concepts & Tools . In: European Space project on Smart Systems, Big Data, Future Internet - Towards Serving the Grand Societal Challenges - Volume 1: EPS Rome, 2016.
  • OpenTOSCA Container (TOSCA runtime):
    Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Haupt, Florian; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Nowak, Alexander; Wagner, Sebastian: OpenTOSCA – A Runtime for TOSCA-based Cloud Applications. In: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'13), 2013.
  • Winery (TOSCA Modeling Tool):
    Kopp, Oliver; Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Winery – A Modeling Tool for TOSCA-based Cloud Applications. In: Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'13), 2013.
  • Vinothek (Self-service portal):
    Breitenbücher, Uwe; Binz, Tobias; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: Vinothek - A Self-Service Portal for TOSCA. In: Herzberg, Nico (Hrsg); Kunze, Matthias (Hrsg): Proceedings of the 6th Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS 2014).
  • Short TOSCA introduction:
    Binz, Tobias; Breiter, Gerd; Leymann, Frank; Spatzier, Thomas: Portable Cloud Services Using TOSCA. In: IEEE Internet Computing. Vol. 16(03), Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2012.
  • Long TOSCA introduction:
    Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank: TOSCA: Portable Automated Deployment and Management of Cloud Applications. In: Bouguettaya, Athman (Hrsg); Sheng, Quan Z. (Hrsg); Daniel, Florian (Hrsg): Advanced Web Services, New York: Springer, 2014.
  • Visual Notation for TOSCA:
    Breitenbücher, Uwe; Binz, Tobias; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Schumm, David: Vino4TOSCA: A Visual Notation for Application Topologies based on TOSCA. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2012).



OpenTOSCA Team

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