The exam review for all exams of the IAAS in the winter semester 2022/2023 will take place on Tuesday, 23.05.2023, from 14:00.
Please register before 19.05.2023 via e-mail to Daniel Vietz.
The review will take place in the computer science building (Universitätsstraße 38) of the University of Stuttgart. The exact room will be announced later.
Exam Dates Winter Semester
Written Exams
You can find the exam dates on C@mpus. Further information can be found on the overview page of the examination office.
The registering must always be done via C@mpus. Without this registration, you cannot write the exam!
Oral Exams
The dates for the oral examinations "Vertiefungslinie Architektur von Anwendungssystemen" are published in Campus.
Registration and Regulations for Oral Exams
To get an appointment for an oral exam, you have to contact the IAAS secretary's office in written form (09:00 - 11:00, room 1.353)!
This registration must take place no later than 8 weeks after the end of the exam registration period.
If you don't register for one of the offered dates or don't attempt to get an appointment for your exam by no later than 8 weeks after the end of the exam registration period, the exam will be rated as 5,0. This is also true if you fail to appear ("no show").
The same point in time also counts for resigning from the oral exam in time, if you haven't already registered for an appointment in the secretary's office.
Same as for the registration at the examination office, the registration at the secretary's office is binding.
Resigning From Exam
Resignment of an oral exam can solely be made on-time in written form by using the appropriate formular. It must be handed in to the IAAS secretary's office, not to the examination office.
It is not possible to resign from a retake-exam or from an exam that has been resigned in the past due to illness.
On-time means 7 days before the exam takes place (for Bachelor and Master courses). Later resignments must be approved by the chair of exam committee.
Requests for resignment due to illness must be handed in at the exam office by no later than three business days after the exam. A request formular for resignment must be filled out and handed in in combination with a medical certificate. This formular and further information can be found on the webpage of the exam committee of computer science and software engineering.
Elisabeth Ibach