- Pesl, R.D., Mombrey, C., Klein, K., Zyberaj, D., Georgievski, I., Becker, S., Herzwurm, G., Aiello, M.: Compositio Prompto: An Architecture to Employ Large Language Models in Automated Service Computing. In: Service-Oriented Computing. pp. 276--286. Springer Nature Singapore (2025).
- Pesl, R.D., Radgen, P., Aiello, M.: Künstliche Intelligenz: Umweltauswirkungen der KI messbar machen. Sozialwirtschaft. 34, 15–17 (2024).
- Georgievski, I., Palghadmal, A.V., Alnazer, E., Aiello, M.: SH: Service-oriented HTN Planning system for real-world domains. SoftwareX. 27, 101779 (2024).
- Aiello, M.: The AI Revolution and the Future of Work: Threats and Opportunities. IEEE Computer. 57, 29--34 (2024).
- de Oliveira Caetano, H., de Souza Sant’Anna Fogliatto, M., Desuó Neto, L., Pereira Junior, B.R., Aiello, M., Carlos Dias, M.: Intelligent Resource Allocation in Power Grids: Leveraging Variable Neighborhood Search for Optimal Switch Allocation. In: IEEE International Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (2024).
- Kunz, P., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Towards a Framework for Learning Algorithms: The Case of Learned Comparison Sorting. In: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2024).
- Stötzner, M., Breitenbücher, U., Pesl, R.D., Becker, S.: Managing the Variability of Component Implementations and Their Deployment Configurations Across Heterogeneous Deployment Technologies. In: Sellami, M., Vidal, M.-E., van Dongen, B., Gaaloul, W., and Panetto, H. (eds.) Cooperative Information Systems. pp. 61--78. Springer Nature Switzerland, Cham (2024).
- Pesl, R.D., Mathew, J.G., Mecella, M., Aiello, M.: Advanced System Integration: Analyzing OpenAPI Chunking for Retrieval-Augmented Generation,, (2024).
- Pesl, R.D., Klein, K., Aiello, M.: Verfahren zur Nutzung von unbekannten neuen Systemdiensten in einer Fahrzeuganwendung (Method for using unknown new system services in a vehicle application), (2024).
- Liu, Y., Palmieri, L., Koch, S., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models. arXiv (2024).
- Liu, Y., Palmieri, L., Koch, S., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Towards Human Awareness in Robot Task Planning with Large Language Models. arXiv (2024).
- Piontek, T., Haghshenas, K., Aiello, M.: Carbon emission-aware job scheduling for Kubernetes deployments. The Journal of Supercomputing. 1--21 (2023).
- Haghshenas, K., Setz, B., Blosch, Y., Aiello, M.: Enough hot air: the role of immersion cooling. Energy Informatics. 6, (2023).
- Aiello, M., Georgievski, I.: Service composition in the ChatGPT Era. Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. (2023).
- Georgievski, I., Shahid, M.Z., Aiello, M.: AI Temporal Planning for Energy Smart Buildings. Energy Inform. 6, (2023).
- Liu, Y., Palmieri, L., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Human-Flow-Aware Long-Term Mobile Robot Task Planning Based on Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 8, 4068--4075 (2023).
- Zyberaj, D., Hirmer, P., Aiello, M.: Towards a Globally Distributed Testing Network in the Automotive Industry. In: European Symposium on Software Engineering (2023).
- Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: The Potential of AI Planning on the Edge. In: IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications. pp. 330--336 (2023).
- Alnazer, E., Georgievski, I.: Understanding Real-World AI Planning Domains: A Conceptual Framework. In: Aiello, M., Barzen, J., Dustdar, S., and Leymann, F. (eds.) Service-Oriented Computing. SummerSOC 2023. pp. 3–23. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
- Georgievski, I.: PlanX: A Toolbox for Building and Integrating AI Planning Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering. pp. 130--134 (2023).
- Georgievski, I.: Software Development Lifecycle for Engineering AI Planning Systems. In: International Conference on Software Technologies. pp. 751--760 (2023).
- Pesl, R.D., Breitenbücher, U., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Service-Oriented Integration of SuperTuxKart. In: Troya, J., Mirandola, R., Navarro, E., Delgado, A., Segura, S., Ortiz, G., Pautasso, C., Zirpins, C., Fernández, P., and Ruiz-Cortés, A. (eds.) Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2022 Workshops. pp. 359--363. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
- Aboki, N., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Automating a Telepresence Robot for Human Detection, Tracking, and Following. In: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference. pp. 150--161 (2023).
- Pesl, R.D., Stötzner, M., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Uncovering LLMs for Service-Composition: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2023 Workshop on AI-enabled Process Automation. Springer Nature (2023).
- Georgievski, I.: Conceptualising Software Development Lifecycle for Engineering AI Planning Systems. In: IEEE/ACM International Conference on AI Engineering – Software Engineering for AI. pp. 88–89 (2023).
- Stötzner, M., Breitenbücher, U., Pesl, R.D., Becker, S.: Using Variability4TOSCA and OpenTOSCA Vintner for Holistically Managing Deployment Variability. In: Mannhardt, F. and Assy, N. (eds.) Proceedings of the Demonstration Track co-located with the International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems 2023, CoopIS 2023, Groningen, The Netherlands, October 30 - November 3, 2023. pp. 36--40. (2023).
- Aiello, M., Barzen, J., Dustdar, S., Leymann, F. eds: Proceedings of the 17th Symposium and Summer School, SummerSOC 2023, Revised Selected Papers. Springer Nature Switzerland (2023).
- Sadhu, K., Haghshenas, K., Rouhani, M., Aiello, M.: Optimal joint operation of coupled transportation and power distribution urban networks. Energy Informatics. 5, 1--20 (2022).
- Aiello, M.: IoT Architectures: From Data to Smart Systems. Speciality Grand Challenge in Frontiers in the Internet of Things, IoT Architecture Section. (2022).
- Fiorini, L., Aiello, M.: Automatic optimal multi-energy management of smart homes. Energy Informatics. 5, 1--20 (2022).
- Alnazer, E., Georgievski, I., Prakash, N., Aiello, M.: A Role for HTN Planning in Increasing Trust in Autonomous Driving. In: IEEE International Smart Cities Conference. pp. 1–7 (2022).
- Georgievski, I.: Towards Engineering AI Planning Functionalities as Services. In: Service-Oriented Computing -- ICSOC 2019 Workshops. pp. 225–236. Springer International Publishing (2022).
- Wang, Z., Sun, C.-A., Aiello, M.: Context-aware IoT Service Recommendation: A Deep Collaborative Filtering-based Approach. In: IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). pp. 150--159. IEEE (2022).
- Georgievski, I.: Office Activity Recognition Using HTN Planning. In: IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems. pp. 70–77 (2022).
- Aiello, M.: A Challenge for the Next 50 Years of Automated Service Composition. In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC). pp. 635--643. Springer (2022).
- Alnazer, E., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: On Bringing HTN Domains Closer to Reality - The Case of Satellite and Rover Domains. In: International Conference on Automated Planning Systems (ICAPS) Workshop on Scheduling and Planning Applications (SPARK) (2022).
- Haghshenas, K., Setz, B., Aiello, M.: CO2 Emission Aware Scheduling for Deep Neural Network Training Workloads. In: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). pp. 1542--1549. IEEE (2022).
- Alnazer, E., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Risk Awareness in HTN Planning. arXiv (2022).
- Paratama, A.R., Blaauw, F., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Office Low-intrusive Occupancy Detection based on Power Consumption. Access. 9, 141167–141180 (2021).
- Setz, B., Graef, S., Ivanova, D., Tiessen, A., Aiello, M.: Comparison of Open-Source Home Automation Systems. IEEE Access. 9, 167332--167352 (2021).
- Malya, P.P., Fiorini, L., Rouhani, M., Aiello, M.: Electric Vehicles as Distribution Grid Batteries: A Reality Check. Energy Informatics. 4, 29 (2021).
- Azzopardi, G., Karastoyanova, D., Aiello, M., Schizas, C.N.: Editorial: Autonomous Health Monitoring and Assistance Systems With IoT. Frontiers Robotics AI. 8, 611352 (2021).
- Rouhani, M., Mohammadi, M., Aiello, M.: Soft Clustering Based Probabilistic Power Flow with Correlated Inter Temporal Events. Electric Power Systems Research. 204, (2021).
- Farrokhifar, M., Bahmani, H., Faridpak, B., Safari, A., Pozo, D., Aiello, M.: Model Predictive Control for Demand Side Management in Buildings: A Survey. Sustainable Cities and Society. 75, 103381 (2021).
- Aiello, M., Fiorini, L., Georgievski, I.: Software Engineering Smart Energy Systems. In: Fathi, M., Zio, E., and Pardalos, P.M. (eds.) Handbook of Smart Energy Systems. pp. 1--21. Springer (2021).
- Raman, M.T., Graf, A., Nieheus, B., Aiello, M.: Algorithmic Planning, Simulation and Validation of Smart, Shared Parking Services using Edge Hardware. In: Eclipse SAAM Mobility 2021 (2021).
- Georgievski, I.: HTN Planning Domain for Deployment of Cloud Applications. In: 10th International Planning Competition: Planner and Domain Abstracts. pp. 34–46 (2021).
- Georgievski, I., Breitenbücher, U.: A Vision for Composing, Integrating, and Deploying AI Planning Functionalities. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (2021).
- Georgievski, I., Jeyakumar, I.H.J., Kale, S.: Designing a System based on Robotic Assistance For Privacy Awareness in Smart Environment. In: IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference. pp. 427--432 (2021).
- Aiello, M., Ayégnon, A.P., Jackson, O.: Qualitative Reasoning for Service Interactions. In: C., C.L., Ganz, W., Satterfield, D., and Bassano, C. (eds.) Advances in the Human Side of Service Engineering. AHFE. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. pp. 394–399. Springer (2021).
- Wang, Z., ai Sun, C., Aiello, M.: Lightweight and Context-aware Modeling of Microservice-based Internet of Things. In: IEEE International Conference on Web Services. pp. 282–292. IEEE (2021).
- Aiello, M., Bouguettaya, A., Tamburri, D.A., van den Heuvel, W.-J. eds: Next-Gen Digital Services. A Retrospective and Roadmap for Service Computing of the Future - Essays Dedicated to Michael Papazoglou on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday and His Retirement. Springer (2021).
- Graef, S., Georgievski, I.: Software Architecture for Next-Generation AI Planning Systems. arXiv (2021).
- Sha, A., Aiello, M.: Topological Considerations on Peer-to-peer Energy Exchange and Distributed Energy Generation in the Smart Grid. Energy Informatics. 3, (2020).
- Dijkhuis, T.B., Otter, R., Aiello, M., Velthuijsen, H., Lemmink, K.: Increase in the Acute: Chronic Workload Ratio relates to Injury Risk in Competitive Runners. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 41, 736--743 (2020).
- Jafarian, M., Scherpen, J.M.A., Loeff, K., Mulder, M., Aiello, M.: A combined nodal and uniform pricing mechanism for congestion management in distribution power networks. Electric Power Systems Research. 180, 106088 (2020).
- Reddy, V.D., Gangadharan, G.R., Rao, G.S.V.R.K., Aiello, M.: Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation in Data Centers Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm. In: Rout, J.K., Rout, M., and Das, H. (eds.) Machine Learning for Intelligent Decision Science. pp. 71--92. Springer (2020).
- Sha, A., Braams, C., Aiello, M.: A Strategy for Prosumers’ Energy Storage Utilization. In: International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing / International Conference on Future Networks and Communications / International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology. pp. 476--483 (2020).
- Fiorini, L., Steg, L., Aiello, M.: Sustainability Choices when Cooking Pasta. In: ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems. pp. 161--166 (2020).
- Georgievski, I., Fiorini, L., Aiello, M.: Towards Service-Oriented and Intelligent Microgrids. In: International Conference on Applications of Intelligent System. pp. 18:1--18:6 (2020).
- Fiorini, L., Aiello, M.: Predictive Multi-Objective Scheduling with Dynamic Prices and Marginal CO2-Emission Intensities. In: ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems. pp. 196--207 (2020).
- Setz, B., Aiello, M.: Towards Real-Time Monitoring of Data Centers Using Edge Computing. In: European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. pp. 141--148. Springer (2020).\_11.
- Beest, N. van, Groefsema, H., Garcia-Banuelos, L., Aiello, M.: Variability in business processes : Automatically obtaining a generic specification. Information Systems. 80, 36–55 (2019).
- Fiorini, L., Aiello, M.: Energy management for user’s thermal and power needs : a survey. Energy Reports. 5, 1048–1076 (2019).
- Sun, C., Wang, Z., Wang, K., Xue, T., Aiello, M.: Adaptive BPEL service compositions via variability management: A methodology and supporting platform. International Journal of Web Services Research. 16, 37--69 (2019).
- Aiello, M.: The Success of the Web: A Triumph of the Amateurs. Commun. ACM. 62, 32--34 (2019).
- Johnpaul, C.I., Prasad, M.V.N.K., Nickolas, S., Gangadharan, G.R., Aiello, M.: An Optimal Wavelet Detailed-Coefficient Determination Using Time-Series Clustering. In: Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering. pp. 857--872. Springer (2019).
- Setz, B., Rao, G.S.V.R.K., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: A Data-Driven Approach to Monitoring Colocation Data Centers. In: IEEE International Conference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (2019).
- Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Phantomisation in state-based HTN planning. In: International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence. pp. 39--44 (2019).
- Georgievski, I., Gupta, P., Aiello, M.: Activity learning for intelligent buildings. In: IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference. pp. 0916–0923 (2019).
- Fiorini, L., Aiello, M.: Predictive CO2-efficient scheduling of hybrid electric and thermal loads. In: IEEE International Conference on Energy Internet. pp. 392--397 (2019).
- Pratama, A.R., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Office Multi-Occupancy Detection using BLE Beacons and Power Meters. In: IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference. pp. 440--448 (2019).
- Reddy, V.D., Setz, B., Rao, G.S.V.R.K., Gangadharan, G., Aiello, M.: Best Practices for Sustainable Datacenters. IT Professional. 20, 57–67 (2018).
- Fiorini, L., Aiello, M., Poli, D., Pelacchi, P.: Topological Considerations on the Use of Batteries to Enhance the Reliability of HV-Grids. Journal of Energy Storage. 18, 316--326 (2018).
- Groefsema, H., van Beest, N.R.T.P., Aiello, M.: A Formal Model for Compliance Verification of Service Compositions. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 11, 466--479 (2018).
- Zu, L., Cabri, G., Aiello, M., Mecella, M., and Paul de Vrieze, FIRST, E.-P.: Twin Planning and Real Factory Planning. IM+io. (2018).
- Hu, Y., Aiello, M., Hu, C.: Information diffusion in online social networks: A compilation. Journal of Computational Science. 28, 204--205 (2018).
- Fiorini, L., Aiello, M.: Household CO2-efficient energy management. Energy Informatics. 1, (2018).
- Dijkhuis, T.B., Blaauw, F.J., van Ittersum, M.W., Velthuijsen, H., Aiello, M.: Personalized Physical Activity Coaching: A Machine Learning Approach. Sensors. 18, 623 (2018).
- Pratama, A., Widyawan, W., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Multi-User Low Intrusive Occupancy Detection. Sensors. 18, (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: Patch IV: Web Services. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 79--99. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Browser Lament. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 51--61. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Unexploited Patch. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 101--111. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: Hypermedia Until the Web. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 21--38. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: Should a New Web Be Designed? In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 141--144. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Self-Organizing Web. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 115--128. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Pacific-Ocean Internet. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 9--20. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: Patching the Web. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 65--77. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Web Was Done by Amateurs. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 1--6. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Original Web Pattern. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 41--50. Springer (2018).
- Aiello, M.: The Pervasive Future. In: The Web Was Done by Amateurs: A Reflection on One of the Largest Collective Systems Ever Engineered. pp. 129--140. Springer (2018).
- Pratama, A.R., Simanjuntak, F.J., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Low-power appliance recognition using recurrent neural networks. In: International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems. pp. 239--250. IOSPress (2018).
- Aiello, M., Yang, Y., Zou, Y., Zhang, L.-J.: Preface. In: Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services. p. V. Springer (2018).
- Bessani, M., Ribeiro, R.R.M., Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M., Maciel, C.D.: Robustness of reconfigurable complex systems by a multi-agent simulation: Application on power distribution systems. In: 2018 Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). IEEE (2018).
- Sha, A., Aiello, M.: Topological Considerations on Decentralised Energy Exchange in the Smart Grid. In: International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies / International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology / Affiliated Workshops. pp. 720--727. Elsevier (2018).
- Kalksma, M., Setz, B., Pratama, A.R., Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Mining Sequential Patterns for Appliance Usage Prediction. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems - Volume 1: SMARTGREENS,. pp. 23–33. SciTePress (2018).
- Aiello, M.: Ten Questions to Define Energy Intelligent Buildings. In: Petkov, N., Strisciuglio, N., and Travieso-González, C.M. (eds.) International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems. pp. 231--238. IOS Press (2018).
- Aiello, M., Yang, Y., Zou, Y., Zhang, L.-J. eds: Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Services - AIMS 2018 - 7th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, SCF 2018, Seattle, WA, USA, June 25-30, 2018, Proceedings. Springer (2018).
- Georgievski, I., Nguyen, T.A., Nizamic, F., Setz, B., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Planning meets activity recognition: Service coordination for intelligent buildings. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 38, 110–139 (2017).
- Reddy, V.D., Setz, B., Rao, G.S.V.R.K., Gangadharan, G.R., Aiello, M.: Metrics for Sustainable Data Centers. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 2, 290–303 (2017).
- Fiorini, L., Pagani, G.A., Pelacchi, P., Poli, D., Aiello, M.: Sizing and Siting of Large-Scale Batteries in Transmission Grids to Optimize the Use of Renewables. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems. 7, 285--294 (2017).
- Aiello, M.: two bestsellers: a short reflection on today’s academic personal indicators. Saccargia Holding BV, Publisher (2017).
- Georgievski, I., Nizamic, F., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Cloud Ready Applications Composed via HTN Planning. In: 2017 IEEE 10th Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA). IEEE (2017).
- Putra, G.D., Pratama, A.R., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Comparison of energy consumption in Wi-Fi and bluetooth communication in a Smart Building. In: IEEE Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference. pp. 1--6 (2017).
- Georgievski, I., Nizamic, F., Lazovik, A., Marco, A.: Cloud Ready Applications Composed via HTN Planning. In: IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (2017).
- Pratama, A.R., Widyawan, Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Power-Based Device Recognition for Occupancy Detection. In: Braubach, L., Murillo, J.M., Kaviani, N., Lama, M., Burgueño, L., Moha, N., and Oriol, M. (eds.) Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2017 Workshops - ASOCA, ISyCC, WESOACS, and Satellite Events. pp. 174--187 (2017).\_14.
- Capodieci, N., Pagani, G.A., Cabri, G., Aiello, M.: An adaptive agent-based system for deregulated smart grids. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 10, 185--205 (2016).
- Sha, A., Aiello, M.: A Novel Strategy for Optimising Decentralised Energy Exchange for Prosumers. Energies. 9, 554 (2016).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: From the grid to the smart grid, topologically. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 449, 160--175 (2016).
- Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: Automated Planning for Ubiquitous Computing. ACM Computing Surveys. 49, 1--46 (2016).
- Blaauw, F.J., Schenk, M.H., Jeronimus, B.F., van der Krieke, L., de Jonge, P., Aiello, M., Emerencia, A.: Let’s get Physiqual - An intuitive and generic method to combine sensor technology with ecological momentary assessments. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 63, 141--149 (2016).
- Emerencia, A., van der Krieke, L., Bos, E.H., de Jonge, P., Petkov, N., Aiello, M.: Automating Vector Autoregression on Electronic Patient Diary Data. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 20, 631--643 (2016).
- Kaldeli, E., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Domain-independent planning for services in uncertain and dynamic environments. Artificial Intelligence. 236, 30--64 (2016).
- Aiello, M., Johnsen, E.B., Dustdar, S., Georgievski, I. eds: Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. Springer (2016).
- Aiello, M., Pagani, G.A.: How Energy Distribution Will Change: An ICT Perspective. In: Beaulieu, A., de Wilde, J., and Scherpen, J.M.A. (eds.) Smart Grids from a Global Perspective: Bridging Old and New Energy Systems. pp. 11--25. Springer International Publishing (2016).
- Scala, A., Quattrociocchi, W., Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Self-Healing Protocols for Infrastructural Networks. In: Critical Information Infrastructures Security. pp. 308--313. Springer International Publishing (2016).
- Jafarian, M., Scherpen, J.M.A., Aiello, M.: A price-based approach for voltage regulation and power loss minimization in power distribution networks. In: IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. pp. 680--685 (2016).
- Setz, B., Nizamic, F., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Power Management of Personal Computers based on User Behaviour. In: International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. pp. 409--416 (2016).
- Aiello, M., Johnsen, E.B., Dustdar, S., Georgievski, I.: Preface. In: European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. pp. V–VI (2016).
- Georgievski, I., Bouman, T.: On the relationship between automation and occupants in smart buildings. In: International Conference on ICT for Sustainability. pp. 240--241 (2016).
- Aiello, M., Kuo, T.-W., Lin, K.-J., Cheng, C.-M., Ito, T., Truong, H.-L.: Welcome message from the chairs. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. pp. vii–viii (2016).
- Aiello, M., Johnsen, E.B., Dustdar, S., Georgievski, I. eds: 5th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. Springer (2016).
- Sun, C.-A., Zhang, X., Shang, Y., Aiello, M.: Integrating transactions into BPEL service compositions: An aspect-based approach. ACM Transactions on the Web. 9, (2015).
- Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: HTN planning: Overview, comparison, and beyond. Artificial Intelligence. 222, 124–156 (2015).
- van der Krieke, L., Emerencia, A., Bos, E.H., Rosmalen, J.G., Riese, H., Aiello, M., Sytema, S., de Jonge, P.: Ecological Momentary Assessments and Automated Time Series Analysis to Promote Tailored Health Care: A Proof-of-Principle Study. JMIR Res. Protoc. 4, e100 (2015).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: A complex network approach for identifying vulnerabilities of the medium and low voltage grid. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures. 11, 36 (2015).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Generating Realistic Dynamic Prices and Services for the Smart Grid. IEEE Systems Journal. 9, 191--198 (2015).
- Aiello, M.: Coordinating the Internet of Things by service composition. In: Dustdar, S., Villari, M., and Leymann, F. (eds.) Service oriented and cloud computing. p. xiii (2015).
- Nguyen, T.A., Aiello, M., Yonezawa, T., Tei, K.: A Self-Healing Framework for Online Sensor Data. In: IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing. pp. 295--300 (2015).
- Georgievski, I.: Coordinating services embedded everywhere via hierarchical planning,, (2015).
- Nguyen, T.A., Raspitzu, A., Aiello, M.: Ontology-based office activity recognition with applications for energy savings. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 5, 667--681 (2014).
- Cabri, G., Bergenti, F., Aiello, M., Reddy, S., Reddy, Y.V.R.: Introduction to the Special Issue on Enabling Technologies for Collaborations. Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp. 15, (2014).
- Blaauw, F.J., van der Krieke, L., de Jonge, P., Aiello, M.: Leefplezier: Personalized Well-being. IEEE Intell. Informatics Bull. 15, 28--29 (2014).
- Aiello, M., Emerencia, A., Sol, H.G.: 7 Bringing Adaptiveness and Resilience to e-Health. In: Suri, N. and Cabri, G. (eds.) Adaptive, Dynamic, and Resilient Systems. pp. 103--114. Taylor & Francis (2014).
- Aiello, M., Baldoni, R., Lazovik, A., Mecella, M.: Self-Steering and Aware Homes. In: Pitt, J. (ed.) The Computer After Me. pp. 105--116 (2014).
- Georgievski, I., Lazovik, A.: Utility-based HTN planning. In: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 1013–1014 (2014).
- Blaauw, F.J., van der Krieke, L., Bos, E., Emerencia, A., Jeronimus, B.F., Schenk, M., de Vos, S., Wanders, R., Wardenaar, K., Wigman, J.T.W., Aiello, M., de Jonge, P.: HowNutsAreTheDutch: Personalized Feedback on a National Scale. In: AAAI Fall Symposia. pp. 6--10. AAAI Press (2014).
- Blaauw, F., Bazylevska, L., Aiello, M.: Gamification in a Consulting Company. In: Workshop Autonomous Systems. pp. 128--139 (2014).
- Nizamic, F., Nguyen, T.A., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: GreenMind - An Architecture and Realization for Energy Smart Buildings. In: ICT for Sustainability. pp. 20--29. Atlantis Press (2014).
- Tseng, Y.-C., Aiello, M.: Keynote 2014 IEEE 7th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. Proceedings. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. IEEE (2014).
- Sun, C., Wang, P., Zhang, X., Aiello, M.: VxBPEL\_ODE: A Variability Enhanced Service Composition Engine. In: Han, W., Huang, Z., Hu, C., Zhang, H., and Guo, L. (eds.) Web Technologies and Applications. pp. 69--81. Springer (2014).\_7.
- Aiello, M., Pagani, G.A.: The Smart Grid\textquotesingles Data Generating Potentials. In: Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. pp. 9--16. IEEE (2014).
- Reddy, S.M., Aiello, M.: Message from program co-chairs. In: Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE. pp. xiv--xiv (2014).
- Georgievski, I., Aiello, M.: An overview of hierarchical task network planning. CoRR, abs/1403.7426 (2014).
- Aiello, M.: Aware homes. Awareness Magazine: Self-awareness in autonomic systems. (2013).
- Aiello, M.: Foreword. Research and Development in E-Business through Service-Oriented Solutions. xvii (2013).
- Warriach, E.U., Kaldeli, E., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: An interplatform service-oriented middleware for the smart home. International Journal of Smart Home. 7, 115--142 (2013).
- Emerencia, A., van der Krieke, L., Sytema, S., Petkov, N., Aiello, M.: Generating personalized advice for schizophrenia patients. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 58, 23--36 (2013).
- Kaldeli, E., Warriach, E.U., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Coordinating the web of services for a smart home. ACM Transactions on the Web. 7, 1--40 (2013).
- Nguyen, T.A., Aiello, M.: Energy intelligent buildings based on user activity: A survey. Energy and Buildings. 56, 244--257 (2013).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: The Power Grid: as a complex network: A survey. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 392, 2688--2700 (2013).
- Georgievski, I., Nguyen, T.A., Aiello, M.: Combining activity recognition and AI planning for energy-saving offices. In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing. pp. 238–245. IEEE Computer Society (2013).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Modeling the last mile of the smart grid. In: IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference. pp. 1–6. IEEE (2013).
- Georgievski, I.: Planning for coordination of devices in energy-smart envronments. In: Doctoral Consortium of the 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (2013).
- Nguyen, T.A., Aiello, M., Tei, K.: A Decentralized Scheme for Fault Detection and Classification in WSNs. In: IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Application (2013).
- Nguyen, T.A., Bucur, D., Aiello, M., Tei, K.: Applying time series analysis and neighbourhood voting in a decentralised approach for fault detection and classification in WSNs. In: International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology. pp. 234--241. ACM (2013).
- Nguyen, T.A., Degeler, V., Contarino, R., Lazovik, A., Bucur, D., Aiello, M.: Towards Context Consistency in a Rule-Based Activity Recognition Architecture. In: IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and IEEE International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing. pp. 625--630. IEEE Computer Society (2013).
- Georgievski, I.: Hierarchical planning definition language. University of Groningen, JBI 2013-12-3 (2013).
- Georgievski, I., Degeler, V., Pagani, G.A., Nguyen, T.A., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Optimizing Energy Costs for Offices Connected to the Smart Grid. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 3, 2273–2285 (2012).
- Aiello, M., Agarwal, N., Raman, R., Rathod, U.: Foreword. Int. J. Syst. Assur. Eng. Manag. 3, 71--72 (2012).
- van der Krieke, L., Emerencia, A.C., Aiello, M., Sytema, S.: Usability Evaluation of a Web-Based Support System for People With a Schizophrenia Diagnosis. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 14, e24 (2012).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Service Orientation and the Smart Grid state and trends. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 6, 267--282 (2012).
- Pernici, B., Aiello, M., vom Brocke, J., Donnellan, B., Gelenbe, E., Kretsis, M.: What IS Can Do for Environmental Sustainability: A Report from CAiSE’11 Panel on Green and Sustainable IS. Commun. Assoc. Inf. Syst. 30, 18 (2012).
- Aiello, M., Bezhanishvili, G., Bloch, I., Goranko, V.: Logic for physical space: From antiquity to present days. Synthese. 186, 619--632 (2012).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Cost and Benefits of Denser Topologies for the Smart Grid. In: Computer and Information Sciences III - International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences. pp. 73--81. Springer (2012).\_8.
- Capodieci, N., Cabri, G., Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Agent Modeling of a Pervasive Application to Enable Deregulated Energy Markets. In: Workshop on Objects and Agents. (2012).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: A Statistical Analysis of Power Grid Vulnerabilities. In: Workshops of the Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (2012).
- Nguyen, T.A., Aiello, M.: Beyond Indoor Presence Monitoring with Simple Sensors. In: International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems. pp. 5--14. SciTePress (2012).
- Capodieci, N., Cabri, G., Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Adaptive game-based agent negotiation in deregulated energy markets. In: International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems. pp. 300--307. IEEE (2012).
- Capodieci, N., Cabri, G., Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: An Agent-Based Application to Enable Deregulated Energy Markets. In: IEEE Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference. pp. 638--647. IEEE (2012).
- Frankova, G., Séguran, M., Gilcher, F., Trabelsi, S., Dörflinger, J., Aiello, M.: Deriving business processes with service level agreements from early requirements. Journal of Systems and Software. 84, 1351--1363 (2011).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Towards Decentralization: A Topological Investigation of the Medium and Low Voltage Grids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2, 538--547 (2011).
- ai Sun, C., Khoury, E.E., Aiello, M.: Transaction management in service-oriented systems: Requirements and a proposal. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 4, 167--180 (2011).
- Aloise, F., Schettini, F., Aricò, P., Salinari, S., Guger, C., Rinsma, J., Aiello, M., Mattia, D., Cincotti, F.: Asynchronous P300-based brain-computer interface to control a virtual environment: Initial tests on end users. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience. 42, 219--224 (2011).
- Bulanov, P., Groefsema, H., Aiello, M.: Business Process Variability: A Tool for Declarative Template Design. In: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2011 Workshops - ICSOC, International Workshops WESOA, NFPSLAM-SOC, and Satellite Events. pp. 241--242. Springer (2011).\_30.
- Aiello, M., Aloise, F., Baldoni, R., Cincotti, F., Guger, C., Lazovik, A., Mecella, M., Pucci, P., Rinsma, J., Santucci, G., Taglieri, M.: Smart homes to improve the quality of life for all. In: Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. pp. 1777--1780. IEEE (2011).
- Warriach, E.U., Kaldeli, E., Bresser, J., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Heterogeneous device discovery framework for the Smart Homes. In: IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCC). pp. 637--640. IEEE (2011).
- Kaldeli, E., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Continual planning with sensing for web service composition. In: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 1198--1203. AAAI Press (2011).
- Bulanov, P., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Business process customization using process merging techniques. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. pp. 1--4. IEEE (2011).
- Emerencia, A., van der Krieke, L., Petkov, N., Aiello, M.: Assessing schizophrenia with an interoperable architecture. In: International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. pp. 79--82. ACM (2011).
- Capodieci, N., Pagani, G.A., Cabri, G., Aiello, M.: Smart meter aware domestic energy trading agents. In: Workshop on E-energy market challenge - IEEMC. pp. 1--10. ACM Press (2011).
- Groefsema, H., Bulanov, P., Aiello, M.: Declarative Enhancement Framework for Business Processes. In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. pp. 495--504. Springer (2011).\_34.
- Aloise, F., Schettini, F., Aricò, P., Salinari, S., Guger, C., Rinsma, J., Aiello, M., Mattia, D., Cincotti, F.: Validation of an asynchronous P300-based BCI with potential end users to control a virtual environment. In: International Brain-Computer Interface Conference (2011).
- Georgievski, I., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Phantomization in an HTN Planner. CoRR, abs/1111.7025 (2011).
- Georgievski, I., Degeler, D., Pagani, G.A., Nguyen, T.A., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Optimizing Offices for the Smart Grid. University of Groningen, JBI 2011-12-01 (2011).
- ai Sun, C., Rossing, R., Sinnema, M., Bulanov, P., Aiello, M.: Modeling and managing the variability of Web service-based systems. Journal of Systems and Software. 83, 502--516 (2010).
- ai Sun, C., Xue, T., Aiello, M.: ValySeC: A Variability Analysis Tool for Service Compositions Using VxBPEL. In: IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference. pp. 307--314. IEEE Computer Society (2010).
- Kaldeli, E., Warriach, E.U., Bresser, J., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Interoperation, composition and simulation of services at home. In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. pp. 167--181 (2010).
- Warriach, E.U., Kaldeli, E., Bresser, J., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: A Tool for Integrating Pervasive Services and Simulating Their Composition. In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. pp. 726--727 (2010).\_74.
- Degeler, V., Georgievski, I., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Concept mapping for faster QoS-aware web service composition. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications. pp. 1--4. IEEE Computer Society (2010).
- Aiello, M., Bulanov, P., Groefsema, H.: Requirements and Tools for Variability Management. In: IEEE Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. pp. 245--250. IEEE Computer Society (2010).
- Pagani, G.A., Aiello, M.: Towards a Service-Oriented Energy Market: Current State and Trend. In: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2010 International Workshops, PAASC, WESOA, SEE, and SOC-LOG. pp. 203--209 (2010).\_22.
- Nakiyimba, I., Williams, D.W., Aiello, M.: Modeling Enterprise Information Systems Integration Evaluation as a Dynamic System. In: International Conference on Computing and ICT Research (2010).
- Aiello, M., Bulanov, P., Groefsema, H.: A survey of variability management requirements. In: Workshop Proceedings of the Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. pp. 35--36 (2010).
- Georgievski, I.: Service-oriented architecture and cloud computing convergence,, (2010).
- Baldoni, R., Di Ciccio, C., Mecella, M., Patrizi, F., Querzoni, L., Santucci, G., Dustdar, S., Li, F., Truong, H.-L., Albornos, L., Milagro, F., Rafael, P.A., Ayani, R., Rasch, K., Lozano, M.G., Aiello, M., Lazovik, A., Denaro, A., Lasala, G., Pucci, P., Holzner, C., Cincotti, F., Aloise, F.: An embedded middleware platform for pervasive and immersive environments for-all. IEEE Annual Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops. 1--3 (2009).
- Aiello, M., el Khoury, E., Lazovik, A., Ratelband, P.: Optimal QoS-Aware Web Service Composition. In: IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing. pp. 491--494. IEEE Computer Society (2009).
- Aiello, M.: General Chair’s Report. In: IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises. IEEE Computer Society (2009).
- Aiello, M., Catarci, T., Mecella, M.: Smart Homes Infrastructures and Interactions (SHII 2009). In: IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises. pp. 234--235. IEEE Computer Society (2009).
- Aiello, M., De Turck, F., Dini, P., Fortino, G., Jarvis, S., Li, M., Debono, C.J., Antonopoulos, N., Liotta, A., Granville, L.Z., Exarchakos, G., Hara, T., Eskicioglu, R., Fongen, A., Kambayashi, Y.: Preface. In: International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems. pp. ix--x (2009).
- Lazovik, E., den Dulk, P., de Groote, M., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Services inside the smart home: A simulation and visualization tool. In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. pp. 651--652. Springer (2009).
- Kaldeli, E., Lazovik, A., Aiello, M.: Extended goals for composing services. In: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling. pp. 362--365. AAAI (2009).
- Aiello, M., de Jong, R., de Nes, J.: Bluetooth broadcasting: How far can we go? An experimental study. In: Joint Conferences on Pervasive Computing. pp. 471--476. IEEE (2009).
- Aiello, M., Dustdar, S.: Are our homes ready for services? A domotic infrastructure based on the Web service stack. Pervasive and Mobile Computing. 4, 506--525 (2008).
- Aiello, M., van Benthem, J., el Khoury, E.: Visualizing Compositions of Services from Large Repositories. In: IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology / IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing. pp. 359--362. IEEE Computer Society (2008).
- ai Sun, C., Aiello, M.: Towards Variable Service Compositions Using VxBPEL. In: International Conference on Software Reuse, High Confidence Software Reuse in Large Systems. pp. 257--261. Springer (2008).
- Aiello, M., Pratt-Hartmann, I., Benthem, J.V. eds: Handbook of Spatial Logics. Springer (2007).
- Aiello, M., Pratt-Hartmann, I., van Benthem, J.: What is Spatial Logic? In: Aiello, M., Pratt-Hartmann, I., and van Benthem, J. (eds.) Handbook of Spatial Logics. pp. 1--11. Springer (2007).\_1.
- Aiello, M., Dustdar, S., Gall, H.: DMC Workshop Final Report. In: IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises. pp. 167--169. IEEE Computer Society (2007).
- Aiello, M., Ottens, B.: The Mathematical Morpho-Logical View on Reasoning about Space. In: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 205--211 (2007).
- Aiello, M., Pegoretti, A.: Textual Article Clustering in Newspaper Pages. Applied Artificial Intelligence. 20, 767--796 (2006).
- Aiello, M.: Web Service e Domotica. Media 2000. XXIV, 75--78 (2006).
- Schall, D., Aiello, M., Dustdar, S.: Web services on embedded devices. International Journal of Web Information Systems. 2, 45--50 (2006).
- Frankova, G., Malfatti, D., Aiello, M.: Semantics and Extensions of WS-Agreement. Journal of Software. 1, (2006).
- Lazovik, A., Aiello, M., Papazoglou, M.: Planning and monitoring the execution of web service requests. International Journal on Digital Libraries. 6, 235--246 (2006).
- D’Andrea, V., Aiello, M.: Guest Editors’ Introduction. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. 15, 289--292 (2006).
- Aiello, M., Lazovik, A.: Monitoring assertion-based business processes. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. 15, 359--389 (2006).
- Dustdar, S., Aiello, M.: Service Oriented Computing: Service Foundations. In: Cubera, F., Krämer, B.J., and Papazoglou, M.P. (eds.) Service Oriented Computing (SOC). Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany (2006).
- Aiello, M., Rosenberg, F., Platzer, C., Ciabattoni, A., Dustdar, S.: Service QoS composition at the level of part names. In: International Workshop on Web Services and Formal Methods. pp. 24--37. Springer (2006).\_2.
- Aiello, M.: The Role of Web Services at Home. In: Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services. p. 164. IEEE Computer Society (2006).
- Aiello, M., Platzer, C., Rosenberg, F., Tran, H., Vasko, M., Dustdar, S.: Web service indexing for efficient retrieval and composition. In: IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology / IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services and Workshops. p. 63. IEEE Computer Society (2006).
- Lazovik, A., Aiello, M., Gennari, R.: Choreographies: Using constraints to satisfy service requests. In: Advanced International Conference on Telecommunications and International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Service. p. 150. IEEE Computer Society (2006).
- Aiello, M., Zanoni, M., Zolet, A.: Exploring WS-Notification: Building a scalable domotic infrastructure. Dr. Dobb’s Journal: Software Tools for the Professional Developer. 30, 48--51 (2005).
- Aiello, M., D’Andrea, V.: Guest Editors’ Introduction. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems. 14, 329--332 (2005).
- Aiello, M., Marchese, M., Busetta, P., Calabrese, G.: Opening the Home: a Web Service Approach to Domotics. In: International Conference on Applied Computing. pp. 271--279. IADIS (2005).
- Lazovik, A., Aiello, M., Gennari, R.: Encoding requests to web service compositions as constraints. In: International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. pp. 782--786. Springer (2005).\_64.
- Aiello, M., Frankova, G., Malfatti, D.: What’s in an agreement? An analysis and an extension of WS-Agreement. In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. pp. 424--436. Springer (2005).\_32.
- Aiello, M., Giorgini, P.: Applying the Tropos Methodology for Analysing Web Services Requirements and Reasoning about Qualities of Services. Upgrade: The European Journal for the Informatics Professional. 5, 20--26 (2004).
- Aiello, M., Smeulders, A.M.W.: Thick 2D relations for document understanding. Information Sciences. 167, 147--176 (2004).
- Papazoglou, M.P., Aiello, M., Giorgini, P.: Service-Oriented Computing and Software Agents. In: Cavedon, L., Maamar, Z., Martin, D., and Benatallah, B. (eds.) Extending Web Services Technologies. pp. 29--52. Springer (2004).
- Lazovik, A., Aiello, M., Papazoglou, M.: Associating assertions with business processes and monitoring their execution. In: International Conference on Service Oriented Computing. pp. 94--104. ACM (2004).
- D’Andrea, V., Fikouras, I., Aiello, M.: Interface inheritance for object-oriented service composition based on model driven configuration. In: Forum at the International Conference on Service Oriented Computing. IBM (2004).
- Aiello, M., Aoyama, M., Curbera, F., Papazoglou, M.P. eds: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. ACM (2004).
- Aiello, M.: The topo-approach to spatial representation and reasoning. AI*IA Notizie. XVI, 45--48 (2003).
- Aiello, M., Monz, C., Todoran, L., Worring, M.: Document understanding for a broad class of documents. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. 5, 1--16 (2003).
- Aiello, M., van Benthem, J., Bezhanishvili, G.: Reasoning about Space: The Modal Way. Journal of Logic and Computation. 13, 889--920 (2003).
- D’Andrea, V., Aiello, M.: Services and Objects: Open issues. In: European Workshop on Object Orientation and Web Services. pp. 23--29. IBM (2003).
- Lazovik, A., Aiello, M., Papazoglou, M.: Planning and monitoring the execution of web service requests. In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing. pp. 335--350. Springer (2003).\_23.
- Aiello, M., Smeulders, A.M.W.: Bidimensional Relations for Reading Order Detection. In: Joint Conference on Information Sciences (2003).
- Papazoglou, M.P., Aiello, M., Pistore, M., Yang, J.: Planning for Requests against Web Services. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 25, 41--46 (2002).
- Aiello, M.: Document Image Analysis via Model Checking. AI*IA Notizie. XV, 45--48 (2002).
- Aiello, M.: Lo ``Institute for Logic, Language and Computation’’ dell’Università di Amsterdam. AI*IA Notizie. XV, 31--32 (2002).
- Aiello, M.: A Spatial Similarity Measure based on Games: Theory and Practice. Log. J. IGPL. 10, 1--22 (2002).
- Aiello, M., van Benthem, J.: A modalwalk through space. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics. 12, 319--363 (2002).
- Aiello, M., van Benthem, J.: Logical Patterns in Space. In: Barker-Plummer, D., Beaver, D., van Benthem, J., and di Luzio, P.S. (eds.) Words, Proofs, and Diagrams. pp. 5--25. CSLI Stanford (2002).
- Aiello, M., Smeulders, A.W.M.: Where do Logic and Computer Vision meet? In: Gerbrandy, J., Marx, M., de Rijke, M., and Venema, Y. (eds.) JFAK: essays dedicated to Johan van Benthem on the occasion of his 50th birthday. pp. 1--11. Vossiuspers, Amsterdam University Press (2002).
- Aiello, M., Papazoglou, M., Yang, J., Carman, M., Pistore, M., Serafini, L., Traverso, P.: A request language for web-services based on planning and constraint satisfaction. In: International Workshop on Technologies for E-Services. pp. 76--85. Springer (2002).\_10.
- Aiello, M.: Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi, Parts and Places, The Structures of Spatial Representation. J. Log. Lang. Inf. 10, 269--272 (2001).
- Aiello, M.: Computing Spatial Similarity by Games. In: Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence on Advances in Artificial Intelligence. pp. 99--110. Springer (2001).\_12.
- Aiello, M., Busetta, P., Donà, A., Serafini, L.: Ontological Overhearing. In: International Workshop on Intelligent Agents. pp. 175--189. Springer (2001).\_13.
- Todoran, L., Aiello, M., Monz, C., Worring, M.: Logical structure detection for heterogeneous document classes. In: Document Recognition and Retrieval VIII. pp. 99--110. SPIE (2001).
- Aiello, M.: Topo-distance: Measuring the Difference between Spatial Patterns. In: European Workshop on Logics in Artificial Intelligence. pp. 73--86. Springer (2000).\_6.
- Aiello, M., Monz, C., Todoran, L.: Combining linguistic and spatial information for document analysis. In: International Conference on Computer-Assisted Information Retrieval. pp. 266--275. CID (2000).
- Aiello, M., Areces, C., de Rijke, M.: Spatial Reasoning for Image Retrieval. In: International Workshop on Description Logics. (1999).
- Agostini, A., Aiello, M.: Teaching Via the Web: A Self-Evaluation Game Using Java for Learning Logical Equivalence. In: World Conference on the WWW and Internet. pp. 75--80. AACE (1999).
- Aiello, M., van Benthem, J.: Spaces to Play: Topo-Games. In: Workshop on Logic and Games. pp. 17--18 (1999).
- Aiello, M.: Spatial Reasoning and Reasoning with Images. In: Accolade 98 (1998).
- Aiello, M., De Maria, P., De Mei, C.: A JAVA Toolkit for Representing a 3D Environment. In: World Conference on the WWW, Internet & Intranet. AACE (1997).
- Aiello, M., Haeberli, M.: Integrating servers for communication over the Internet. In: World Conference of the Web. AACE (1996).

Marco Aiello
Prof. Dr.Head of Department
Elisabeth Ibach

Ilche Georgievski
Dr.Akademischer Rat and Head of Division Planning, Learning, and Intelligent Systems
[Image: Ilche Georgievski]