The Project
The project PlanQK - Platform and Ecosystem for Quantum Applications of the partners StoneOne, HQS Quantum Simulations, LMU Munich and University Stuttgart develops a platform for KI & QC specialists, developers as well as users and customers. PlanQK provides the basis for the development of a community for quantum-supported artificial intelligence. The focus is on providing easy access to expertise, algorithms and implementations. In particular for SMEs, which cannot cope with the high investment expenditure for the establishment of quantum-supported AI in their business models, a large technological innovation potential is opened up.
The software developed by the IAAS within the scope of PlanQK is available as open source software under QuAntiL.
Further information on the overall project and current project results can be found on the PlanQK web page.
The Consortium
Research Partners
- Fraunhofer FOKUS: Data Analytics Center
- Freie Universität Berlin: Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems
- Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: Quantum Applications and Research Laboratory
- Universität Stuttgart: Institut für Architektur von Anwendungssystemen und Institut für Funktionelle Materie und Quantentechnologien - Integrierte Quantenoptik
Industry Partners
- Accenture GmbH
- Bundesdruckerei GmbH
- DB Systel GmbH
- DB Systemtechnik GmbH
- d-fine GmbH
- Frankfurt Consulting Engineers GmbH
- HQS Quantum Simulations GmbH
- Komm.ONE
- Planerio GmbH
- regio iT Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie GmbH
- Smart Reporting GmbH
- StoneOne AG
- Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs), Deutsche Telekom AG
- TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG
- Virality GmbH
Johanna Barzen
Dr. phil.Lead of Research Area Quantum Computing & Digital Humanities