Book Chapters
- Guth, Jasmin; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Fremantle, Paul; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Reinfurt, Lukas: A Detailed Analysis of IoT Platform Architectures: Concepts, Similarities, and Differences.In: Internet of Everything: Algorithms, Methodologies, Technologies and Perspectives, Springer, 2018 (pdf).
Journal Papers
- Guth, Jasmin and Leymann, Frank: Pattern-based rewrite and refinement of architectures using graph theory. In: Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems (SICS), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019.
Conference Papers
- Harzenetter, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Guth, Jasmin; Krieger, Christoph; Leymann, Frank: Pattern-based Deployment Models and Their Automatic Execution. In: 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2018), 2018 (pdf).
- Zimmermann, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Guth, Jasmin; Hermann, Sibylle; Leymann, Frank; Saatkamp, Karoline: Towards Deployable Research Object Archives Based on TOSCA. In: Papers From the 12th Advanced Summer School of Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSoC 2018), 2018 (pdf).
- Guth, Jasmin and Leymann, Frank: Towards Pattern-based Rewrite and Refinement of Application Architectures. In: Papers From the 12th Advanced Summer School on Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSOC'18), 2018 (pdf).
- Guth, Jasmin; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank; Reinfurt, Lukas: Comparison of IoT Platform Architectures: A Field Study based on a Reference Architecture. In: Cloudification of the Internet of Things (CIoT), 2016 (pdf).
- Képes, Kálmán; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Gómez Sáez, Santiago; Guth, Jasmin; Leymann, Frank; Wieland, Matthias: Situation-Aware Execution and Dynamic Adaptation of Traditional Workflow Models. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC), 2016 (pdf).
- Guth, Jasmin: Architectural Design of an Abstraction Layer for the Integration of Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems.
Master's Thesis No. 3744, 2016 (pdf).
Girls' Day
Am Girls' Day öffnen Unternehmen und Hochschulen aus ganz Deutschland ihre Pforten, um Schülerinnen einen Einblick in technische und naturwissenschaftliche Berufsfelder zu geben. Als Teilnehmer am Girls' Day stellt das IAAS in einer halbtägigen Veranstaltung Themen aus der Informatik vor, insbesondere aus dem Bereich der Architektur von Anwendungssystemen.
Teaching & Committees
Winter Semester 2019/2020
- Business Process Management: Exercises and Labs
- Service Computing: Exercises and Labs
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Summer Semester 2019
- (Foundations of) Architecture of Application Systems: Exercises
- Modeling: Exercises
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Winter Semester 2018/2019
- Lecture Series "Informatik stellt sich vor - Einführung für Geisteswissenschaftler": Lecture "Modellierung"
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Girls' Day 2019
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Summer Semester 2018
- (Foundations of) Architecture of Application Systems: Exercises
- Modeling: Exercises
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Girls' Day 2018
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Winter Semester 2017/2018
- Service Computing: Exercises and Labs
- Business Process Management: Exercises and Labs
- Programmierung und Softwareentwicklung: Organization
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Summer Semester 2017
- (Foundations of) Architecture of Application Systems: Exercises
- Modeling: Exercises
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Seminar "Cloud Computing Überblick": Supervision
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Winter Semester 2016/2017
- Programmierung und Softwareentwicklung: Organization
- Study Project "IoT XT": Organization and Supervision
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Seminar "Cloud Computing Überblick": Supervision
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Summer Semester 2016
- Advanced Business Process Management: Exercises
- Modeling: Exercises
- Study Project "IoT XT": Organization and Supervision
- Advanced Seminar "Cloud Computing": Supervision
- Seminar "Cloud Computing Überblick": Supervision
- Member of the Examination Committees "Wirtschaftsinformatik B.Sc. & M.Sc."
Supervised Student Works
- Ehret, Tim-Julian: Integration von Patterns in eine Modellierungssprache und -werkzeug, Bachelor's Thesis, 2019.
- Röhl, Aaron: Design and Implementation of a Framework to Automate the Inclusion of Patterns in Existing Architectures, Bachelor's Thesis, 2017.
- Radic, Marco: Transformation of TOSCA to Natural Language Texts, Bachelor's Thesis, 2017.
- Kaul, Arthur: Konzeptioneller Entwurf und Implementierung einer Methode zur automatisierten Verfeinerung von Topologien, Master's Thesis, 2017.
- Wohlfarth, Marvin: Design Pattern Detection Framework for TOSCA-Topologies, Bachelor's Thesis, 2017.
Student Projects
- Fode, Nick; Meyer, Luca; Tippelt, Jakob: Analyse der Anwendungsarchitekturen bei Verwendung von Edge Computing, Fachstudie, 2019.
- Hiller, Simon; Huss, Rainer; Schneider, Jan: Analyse und Vergleich von Architecture Description Languages hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendung im Bereich des Internet of Things, Fachstudie, 2017.
- Röhl, Aaron; Hentrich, Dominik; Popp, Matthias: Vergleich von Subgraphisomorphismus-Algorithmen, Fachstudie, 2017.