- Lecturer
- Room
- Period
05.08.2019 - 09.08.2019
- Dates
10 AM - 5 PM
- C@mpus
Lecture Service Computing
Service Computing (WS 2019)
- Exam
See Overview Exams IAAS.
Please contact Elisabeth Ibach if you want to take the course in the scope of the "Vertiefungslinie". - Material
See Ilias.
The credentials will be announced in the first lecture
- Language
- Lecturer
- Room
- Period
12.08.2019 - 15.08.2019
- Dates
10 AM - 5 PM
- C@mpus
Exercise Service Computing
The Web is presented as a platform for applications, and an overview of related trends like the Semantic Web, Cloud Computing, or Autonomic Computing is given. The notion of a service and service computing is introduced. Some Web-based user interface technologies are briefly sketched. HTTP is discussed in detail. Based on that, REST is introduced and a design method for REST-based interfaces is presented. An overview on e-mail related protocols is given. SOAP, WSDL and Policy are introduced extensively, service discovery is touched. Axis is briefly sketched. Agreement protocols and coordination are discussed in depth. Finally, the overall architecture of a service bus is portrayed, ongoing discussions like microservices, big vs small Web Services are commented on.