Michael Falkenthal, M.Sc.

Former Research Associate and leader of the research area Advanced Technologies



Platform and Ecosystem for Quantum-assisted Artificial Intelligence



Industrial Communication for Factories




Service Platform for the Intelligent Optimization of Production Lines



Decentralized Market Agent as new Role at the Energy Market




Pattern Search and Recognition



Book Chapters

  1. Barzen, Johanna; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank: Wenn Kostüme sprechen könnten: MUSE - Ein musterbasierter Ansatz an die vestimentäre Kommunikation im Film. In: Bockwinkel, Peggy (Hrsg); Nickel, Beatrice (Hrsg); Viehhauser, Gabriel (Hrsg): Digital Humanities. Perspektiven der Praxis, Berlin: Frank und Timme, 2018 (pdf).
  2. Guth, Jasmin; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Fremantle, Paul; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Reinfurt, Lukas: A Detailed Analysis of IoT Platform Architectures: Concepts, Similarities, and Differences. In: Internet of Everything: Algorithms, Methodologies, Technologies and Perspectives, Springer, 2018 (pdf).

Journal Papers

  1. Yussupov, Vladimir; Falazi, Ghareeb; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank: Protecting Deployment Models in Collaborative Cloud Application Development. In: International Journal On Advances in Security. Vol. 12(1&2), IARIA, 2019 (pdf).
  2. Wurster, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Krieger, Christoph; Leymann, Frank; Saatkamp, Karoline; Soldani, Jacopo: The Essential Deployment Metamodel: A Systematic Review of Deployment Automation Technologies. In: Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems (SICS), Springer, 2019 (pdf).
  3. Reinfurt, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank; Riegg, Andreas: Internet of Things Patterns for Communication and Management. In: Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming IV, Springer, 2019 (pdf).
  4. Falkenthal, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Barzen, Johanna; Leymann, Frank: On the algebraic properties of concrete solution aggregation. In: SICS Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems, Springer, 2019.
  5. Falkenthal, Michael; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Solution Languages: Easing Pattern Composition in Different Domains. In: International Journal on Advances in Software. Vol. 10(3&4), IARIA, 2017 (pdf).
  6. Reinfurt, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal Michael; Leymann, Frank; Riegg, Andreas: Internet of Things Patterns for Devices: Powering, Operating, and Sensing. In: International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology. Vol. 10(3&4), IARIA, 2017 (pdf).
  7. Falkenthal, Michael; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Brügmann, Sascha; Joos, Daniel; Leymann, Frank; Wurster, Michael: Pattern Research in the Digital Humanities: How Data Mining Techniques Support the Identification of Costume Patterns. In: Computer Science - Research and Development. Vol. 22(74), Springer, 2016 (pdf).
  8. Wettinger, Johannes; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank: Collaborative Gathering & Continuous Delivery of DevOps Solutions through Repositories. In: Computer Science - Research and Development. Vol. 22(74), Springer, 2016 (pdf).
  9. Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Eusterbrock, Linus; Falkenthal, Michael; Hentschel, Frank; Leymann, Frank: The Vision of MUSE4Music: Applying the MUSE Method in Musicology. In: Computer Science - Research and Development. Vol. 22(74), Springer, 2016 (pdf).
  10. Finidori, Helene; Henfrey, Tom; McLaren, Nadia; Laitner, Kurt; Borghini, Sayfan; Puig, Vincent; Iba, Takashi; Pruvost-Beaurain, Martin; Leitner, Helmut; Reiners, René; Leymann, Frank; Falkenthal, Michael: The PLAST Project: Pattern Languages for Systemic Transformations. In: International Journal of the Spanda Foundation. Vol. VI(1), Spanda Publishing, 2015 (pdf).
  11. Falkenthal, Michael; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Fehling, Christoph; Leymann, Frank: Efficient Pattern Application: Validating the Concept of Solution Implementations in Different Domains. In: International Journal On Advances in Software Vol. 7 (3&4), Xpert Publishing Services, 2014 (pdf).
  12. Bossert, Oliver; Falkenthal, Michael; Mauerwerk, Mark; Piller, Gunther: Softwareauswahl und Cloud-Anwendungen. In: ERP Management 10 (2014) 2.

Conference Papers

  1. Saatkamp, Karoline; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank: An Approach to Determine & Apply Solutions to Solve Detected Problems in Restructured Deployment Models Using First-Order Logic. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019) (pdf).
  2. Harzenetter, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Michael, Falkenthal; Guth, Jasmin; Krieger, Christoph; Leymann, Frank: Pattern-based Deployment Models and Their Automatic Execution. In: 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2018) (pdf).
  3. Falkenthal, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: The Nature of Pattern Languages. In: Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC), 2018 (pdf).
  4. Falazi, Ghareeb; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Yussupov, Vladimir: Blockchain-based Collaborative Development of Application Deployment Models. In: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2018 Conferences (CoopIS 2018), 2018 (pdf).
  5. Yussupov, Vladimir; Falkenthal, Michael; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Zimmermann, Michael: Secure Collaborative Development of Cloud Application Deployment Models. In: Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE 2018), 2018 (pdf).
  6. Baumann, Felix W.; Odefey, Ulrich; Hudert, Sebastian; Falkenthal, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe: Utilising the Tor Network for IoT Addressing and Connectivity. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), 2018 (pdf).
  7. Reinfurt, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Fremantle, Paul; Leymann, Frank: Internet of Things Security Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP), 2017 (pdf).
  8. Wurster, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank: Developing, Deploying, and Operating Twelve-Factor Applications with TOSCA. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, 2017 (pdf).
  9. Falkenthal, Michael; Baumann, Felix W.; Grünert, Gerd; Hudert, Sebastian; Leymann, Frank; Zimmermann, Michael: Requirements and Enforcement Points for Policies in Industrial Data Sharing Scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 11th Advanced Summer School on Service Oriented Computing (SummerSOC), 2017 (pdf).
  10. Reinfurt, Lukas; Falkenthal, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Applying IoT Patterns to Smart Factory Systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th Advanced Summer School on Service Oriented Computing (SummerSOC), 2017 (pdf).
  11. Reinfurt, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank; Riegg, Andreas: Internet of Things Patterns for Device Bootstrapping and Registration. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP), 2017 (pdf).
  12. Baumann, Felix W.; Odefey, Ulrich; Hudert, Sebastian; Falkenthal, Michael; Zimmermann, Michael: Cyber-physical System Control via Industrial Protocol OPC UA. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (ADVCOMP), 2017 (pdf).
  13. Zimmermann, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank; Saatkamp, Karoline: Standards-based Function Shipping - How to use TOSCA for Shipping and Executing Data Analytics Software in Remote Manufacturing Environments. In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 21st International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2017), 2017 (pdf).
  14. Baumann, Felix W.; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Grünert, Gerd; Hudert, Sebastian: Industrial Data Sharing with Data Access Policy. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering (CDVE 2017), 2017 (pdf).
  15. Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank: Easing Pattern Application by Means of Solution Languages. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS), 2017 (pdf).
  16. Reinfurt, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank; Riegg, Andreas: Internet of Things Patterns for Devices. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS), 2017 (pdf).
  17. Endres, Christian; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Wettinger, Johannes: Declarative vs. Imperative: Two Modeling Patterns for the Automated Deployment of Applications. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS), 2017 (pdf).
  18. Guth, Jasmin; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank: Comparison of IoT Platform Architectures: A Field Study based on a Reference Architecture. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cloudification of the Internet of Things (CIoT), 2016 (pdf).
  19. Reinfurt, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank; Riegg, Andreas: Internet of Things Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 21th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP), 2016 (pdf).
  20. Falkenthal, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Christ, Maximilian; Endres, Christian; Kempa-Liehr, Andreas W.; Leymann, Frank; Zimmermann, Michael: Towards Function and Data Shipping in Manufacturing Environments: How Cloud Technologies leverage the 4th Industrial Revolution. In: Proceedings of the 10th Advanced Summer School on Service Oriented Computing (SummerSOC), 2016 (pdf).
  21. Falkenthal, Michael; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Fehling, Christoph; Leymann, Frank; Hadjakos, Aristotelis; Hentschel, Frank; Schulze, Heizo: Leveraging Pattern Applications via Pattern Refinement. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change (PURPLSOC), 2016 (pdf).
  22. Falkenthal, Michael; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Fehling, Christoph; Leymann, Frank: From Pattern Languages to Solution Implementations. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conferences on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS), 2014 (pdf).
  23. Reiners, René; Falkenthal, Michael; Jugel, Dierk; Zimmermann, Alfred: Requirements for a Collaborative Formulation Process of Evolutionary Patterns. In: Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPloP), 2013 (pdf).

Workshop Papers

  1. Zimmermann, Michael; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank; Baumann, Felix W.; Odefey, Ulrich: Automating the Provisioning and Integration of Analytics Tools with Data Resources in Industrial Environments using OpenTOSCA. In: Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 21st International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops and Demonstrations (EDOCW 2017), 2017 (pdf).
  2. Bader, Andreas; Kopp, Oliver; Falkenthal, Michael: Survey and Comparison of Open Source Time Series Databases. In: Mitschang, Bernhard et al. (Hrsg): Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology, and Web (BTW), Lecture Notes in Informatics(LNI), 2017 (pdf).
  3. Kopp, Oliver; Falkenthal, Michael; Hartmann, Niklas; Leymann, Frank; Schwarz, Holger; Thomsen, Jessica: Towards a Cloud-based Platform Architecture for a Decentralized Market Agent. In: Cunningham, Douglas (Hrsg); Hofstedt, Petra (Hrsg); Meer, Klaus (Hrsg); Schmitt, Ingo (Hrsg): INFORMATIK 2015 (pdf).
  4. Thomsen, Jessica; Hartmann, Niklas; Klumpp, Florian; Erge, Thomas; Falkenthal, Michael; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Stando, Sven; Turek, Nino; Schlenzig, Christoph; Schwarz, Holger: Darstellung des Konzeptes -- DMA Decentralised Market Agent -- zur Bewältigung zukünftiger Herausforderungen in Verteilnetzen. In: Cunningham, Douglas (Hrsg); Hofstedt, Petra (Hrsg); Meer, Klaus (Hrsg); Schmitt, Ingo (Hrsg): INFORMATIK 2015 (pdf).
  5. Fehling, Christoph; Barzen, Johanna; Falkenthal, Michael; Leymann, Frank: PatternPedia - Collaborative Pattern Identification and Authoring. In: Proceedings of Pursuit of Pattern Languages for Societal Change - Preparatory Workshop 2014 (pdf).
  6. Bossert, Oliver; Falkenthal, Michael; Mauerwerk, Mark; Piller, Gunther: Einfluss von Cloud Services auf Auswahlverfahren für IT-Lösungen. In: Proceedings der Fachtagung INFORMATIK 2014, Stuttgart, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-232, 2014 (pdf).
  7. Zimmermann, Alfred; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Pretz, Michael; Falkenthal, Michael; Jugel, Dierk; Wißotzki, Matthias: Metamodell-basierte Integration von Service-orientierten EA-Referenzarchitekturen. In: Proceedings der Fachtagung INFORMATIK 2013, Stuttgart, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-220, 2013 (pdf).
  8. Jugel, Dierk; Falkenthal, Michael; Schweda, Christian M.; Pretz, Michael; Zimmermann, Alfred: Von der Softwarekartographie zur Corporate Intelligence. In: Proceedings der Fachtagung INFORMATIK 2013, Stuttgart, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-220, 2013 (pdf).
  9. Zimmermann, Alfred; Sandkuhl, Kurt; Pretz, Michael; Falkenthal, Michael; Jugel, Dierk; Wißotzki, Matthias: Towards an integrated service-oriented reference enterprise architecture. In: Proceedings of the European Software Engineering Conference ESEC 2013 and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering with WEA International Workshop on Software Ecosystem Architectures, 2013 (pdf).
  10. Jugel, Dierk; Falkenthal, Michael; Groß, Hans-Jürgen; Herrmann, Jochen; Piller, Gunther; Zimmermann, Alfred: Architecture Reference Lab des SOA Innovation Lab. In: Proceedings der Fachtagung INFORMATIK 2012, Stuttgart, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-208, 2012 (pdf).
  11. Falkenthal, Michael; Jugel, Dierk; Zimmermann, Alfred; Reimann, Wilfried; Pretz, Michael: Maturity Assessments of Service- oriented Enterprise Architectures with Iterative Pattern Refinement. In: Proceedings der Fachtagung INFORMATIK 2012, Stuttgart, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-208, 2012 (pdf).
  12. Falkenthal, Michael; Jugel, Dierk: Ontologie zur Repräsentation und Auswertung von Problemdiagnose- und Problemlösungswissen im Kontext eines semantikerweiterteten Kennzahlendashboards. In: Proceedings der Fachtagung INFORMATIKTAGE 2012, Stuttgart, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2012 (pdf).
  13. Celenk, Engin; Falkenthal, Michael; Gaebler, Daniel; Jugel, Dierk; Maucher, Bastian; Westphal, Benjamin: Semantik-gestütztes integrales Monitoring von SOA Plattformen. In: Proceedings der Fachtagung INFORMATIKTAGE 2011, Stuttgart, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2011 (pdf).


  1. Falkenthal, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Képes, Kálmán; Leymann, Frank; Zimmermann, Michael; Christ, Maximilian; Neuffer, Julius; Braun, Nils; Kempa-Liehr, Andreas W.: OpenTOSCA for the 4th Industrial Revolution: Automating the Provisioning of Analytics Tools Based on Apache Flink. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things, 2016 (pdf).
  2. Falkenthal, Michael; Barzen, Johanna; Dörner, Simon; Elkind, Vadym; Fauser, Jan; Leymann, Frank; Strehl, Tino: Datenanalyse in den Digital Humanities – Eine Annäherung an Kostümmuster mittels OLAP Cubes. In: Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW), 16. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), 02.-06.3.2015 in Hamburg, Germany, 2015 (pdf).


  1. Barzen, Johanna; Falkenthal, Michael; Hentschel, Frank; Leymann, Frank; Strehl, Tino: Ähnlichkeitssuche in den Digital Humanities: Semi-automatische Identifikation von Kostümmustern, In: Burr, Elisabeth (Hrsg): Konferenzabstracts DHd 2016 "Modellierung - Vernetzung - Visualisierung: Die Digital Humanities als fächerübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma" (Extended Abstract, Poster).
  2. Barzen, Johanna; Falkenthal, Michael; Hentschel, Frank; Leymann, Frank: Musterforschung in den Geisteswissenschaften: Werkzeugumgebung zur Musterextraktion aus Filmkostümen, In: DHd 2015 (Extended Abstract, Poster).

Supervised Works


  1. Krieger, Christoph: Semantic Querying of Distributed Pattern and Solution Repositories (in German: Semantisches Suchen in verteilten Muster- und Lösungsrepositories), Master's Thesis, 2018.
  2. Ahmad, Afzaal: Integration of IoT Devices via a Blockchain-based Decentralised Application, Master's Thesis, 2018.
  3. Wagner, Dominik: Concept and Implementation of a TOSCA-based Solution for the Provisioning of IoT Devices (in German: Konzept und Implementierung einer TOSCA-basierten Lösung zur Provisionierung von IoT Devices), Bachelor's Thesis, 2017.
  4. Wohlfarth, Marvin: Design Pattern Detection Framework for TOSCA-Topologies, Bachelor's Thesis, 2017.
  5. Ghareeb, Falazi: A Concept for Describing Concrete Solutions to Support their Automated Selection from Patterns, Master's Thesis, 2017.
  6. Beisel, Martin: Concept and Implementation of a Solution Language and a Solution Repository for Cloud Computing Patterns (in German: Konzept und Implementierung einer Lösungssprache und eines Lösungsrepositories für Cloud Computing Patterns), Bachelor's Thesis, 2017.
  7. Saatkamp, Karoline: Modeling Approaches to Enable Data Shipping and Function Shipping by Means of TOSCA, Master's Thesis No. 3747, 2016.
  8. Guth, Jasmin: Architectural Design of an Abstraction Layer for the Integration of Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems, Master's Thesis No. 3744, 2016.
  9. Bader, Andreas: Comparison of Time Series Databases, Diploma Thesis No. 3729, 2016.
  10. Fauser, Jan: Pattern Refinement in the domain of Cloud Computing (in German: Musterverfeinerung in der Domäne Cloud-Computing), Master's Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Reutlingen, 2016.
  11. Endres, Christian: A Pattern Language for Modeling the Provisioning of Applications. Master's Thesis No. 38, 2015.
  12. Strehl, Tino: Identification of pattern indicators by vidual data mining methods for multivariate categorical data (in German: Identifikation von Musterindikatoren mit Methoden des visuellen Data Mining für multivariate kategoriale Daten), Master's Thesis, University of Applied Sciences Reutlingen, 2015.

Student Projects

  1. Bitz, Roman; Wagner, Matthias; Wohlfarth, Marvin: Pattern Refinement with Cloud Computing Patterns and Microservice Patterns, Process Analysis, 2018.
  2. Matejetz, Simon; Mathony, Tobias; Wersching, Adrian: Comparison of blockchain platforms and analysis of their development concepts for DApps, Fachstudie, 2017.
  3. Ebner, Tim; Meissler, Matthias; Steiler, Frank: TOSCA4IoT, Student Master's Project, Herman Hollerith Zentrum University of Applied Sciences Reutlingen, 2016 - 2017.
  4. Braunschweiger, Dirk; Trefft, Rene; Zimmermann, Michael: Selection of a time series database system for supporting the role of a decentralized market agent, Process Analysis, 2015 - 2016.
  5. Brügmann, Sascha; Joos, Daniel; Wurster, Michael: Pattern Research in the Digital Humanities - Application of Data Mining Techniques for identifying costume design patterns, Student Master's Project, Herman Hollerith Zentrum University of Applied Sciences Reutlingen, 2015 - 2016.
  6. Dörner, Simon; Elkind, Vadym; Fauser, Jan; Strehl, Tino: Pattern Research in the Digital Humanities - Application of OLAP Cubes for identifying costume design patterns, Student Master's Project, Herman Hollerith Zentrum University of Applied Sciences Reutlingen, 2014 - 2015.
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