The Project
The Software Services and Systems Network (S-Cube) will establish a unified, multidisciplinary, vibrant research community which will enable Europe to lead the software-services revolution, helping shape the software-service based Internet which is the backbone of our future interactive society.
By integrating diverse research communities, S-Cube intends to achieve world-wide scientific excellence in a field that is critical for European competitiveness. S-Cube will accomplish its aims by meeting the following objectives:
- Re-aligning, re-shaping and integrating research agendas of key European players from diverse research areas and by synthesizing and integrating diversified knowledge, thereby establishing a long-lasting foundation for steering research and for achieving innovation at the highest level.
- Inaugurating a Europe-wide common program of education and training for researchers and industry thereby creating a common culture that will have a profound impact on the future of the field.
- Establishing a pro-active mobility plan to enable cross-fertilization and thereby fostering the integration of research communities and the establishment of a common software services research culture.
- Establishing trust relationships with industry via European Technology Platforms (specifically NESSI) to achieve a catalytic effect in shaping European research, strengthening industrial competitiveness and addressing main societal challenges.
- Defining a broader research vision and perspective that will shape the software-service based Internet of the future and will accelerate economic growth and improve the living conditions of European citizens.
S-Cube will produce an integrated research community of international reputation and acclaim that will help define the future shape of the field of software services which is of critical for European competitiveness. S-Cube will provide service engineering methodologies which facilitate the development, deployment, and adjustment of sophisticated hybrid service-based systems that cannot be addressed with today's limited software engineering approaches. S-Cube will further introduce an advanced training program for researchers and practitioners. Finally, S-Cube intends to bring strategic added value to European industry by using industry best-practice models and by implementing research results into pilot business cases and prototype systems.
European Partners
- University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
- Tilburg University (Netherlands)
- City University London (U.K.)
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
- Center for Scientific and Technological Research (Italy)
- The French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (France)
- Lero - The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (Ireland)
- Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute (Hungary)
- Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
- University Claude Bernard Lyon (France)
- University of Crete (Greece)
- Universidad Politcnica de Madrid (Spain)
- University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Frank Leymann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Managing Director