The Project
The goal of SmartOrchestra is the development of an open and standardized service platform, that aims to enable the usage of services from the domain of management and business through a trustable marketplace for the creation, offering and marketing of those services. Besides the integration of available propietary CPS solutions, SmartOrchestra should also enable the aggregation of sensor data with actuator functions as combinable services.
SmartOrchestra serves as a transparent catalog for the evaluation of appropriate services. Further, it serves as runtime platform and layer between applications and sensors/actuators. In overall, the aim of the SmartOrchestra project is the development of a secure, open and standards-based smart service platform. The platform combines the functionalities of a runtime environment, a marketplace, a broker and a notary for the usage in the cloud. Therefore the users of such cyber-physical systems are free to choose the controlling applications. Regardless whether from the smartphone, tablet or PC - the usage of the supplied software of the manufacturers isn’t mandatory anymore. The marketplace provides general user interfaces on the basis of generic API’s to enable the usage of the software across multiple devices. The open SmartOrchestra platform enables the secure composition, orchestration and marketing of cyber-physical applications into smart services, therefore enabling the development of new & smart business models.
The Consortium
Research Partner
- Universität Stuttgart, IAAS & IPVS
- Fraunhofer Institut für Offene Kommunikationssysteme (FOKUS), Berlin
Industry Partner
- Cleopa GmbH
- datenfreunde GmbH
- StoneOne AG
regio iT gesellschaft für informationstechnologie mbh, Aachen
Uwe Breitenbücher
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Former Lead of Research Area Architectures and Middleware