The Project
The Web revolutionized human communication by providing a platform where people publish and find globally linked information by retaining scalability. The goal of Triple Space Communication (TripCom) is the development of a highly scalable, semantically enhanced communication architecture – the Triple Space – which is the result of the integration of Tuple Space, Semantic Web, and Web service technologies and will - based on asynchronous communication via persistent publication and search of semantically linked data - faciliate machine to machine communication at large scale.
European Partners
- Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck (Austria)
- National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
- University of Stuttgart (Germany)
- Vienna University of Technology (Austria)
- Free University Berlin (Germany)
- Ontotext Lab, Sirma (Bulgaria)
- Profium OY (Finland)
- CEFRIEL (Italy)
- Telefonica I+D (Spain)
Frank Leymann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Managing Director