The Project
At the moment, it is one of the biggest challenges to smartly utilize data that is gathered from actuators and sensors in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. Thus, in the project SePiA.Pro (Service Platform for intelligently optimizingApplications in Production and Manufacturing) we develop a self-descriptive and secure packaging format for enabling automated provisioning of smart services. This packaging format is supported by an Industrial Smart Service Ecosystem that bases on standards and cloud technologies. The Industrial Smart Service Ecosystem encompasses a modeling environment, a repository and self-service portal for smart services, a provisioning engine, and a smart service analytics runtime. This Industrial Smart Service Ecosystem enables small and medium-sized enterprises offering and using internet-based services (smart services). These smart services are flexible, portable, reusable, and secure and, thus, are potentially optimizing production processes without the threat of losing the control over the data that is produced in the production and manufacturing.
The Consortium
Research Partners
- DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
- University of Stuttgart - Institut of Architecture of Application Systems
Industry Partners
- Daimler AG
- TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH + Co. KG
- TWT GmbH Science and Innovation
Frank Leymann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Managing Director