Beiträge in Büchern
- Karastoyanova, Dimka; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank; Ma, Zhilei; Nitzsche, Jörg; Wetzstein, Branimir: Semantic Business Process Management: Applying Ontologies in BPM. In: Cardoso, Jorge (Hrsg); van der Aalst, Wil (Hrsg): Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling, Information Science Publishing, 2009.
- Heymans, Stijn; Ma, Li; Anicic, Darko; Ma, Zhilei; Steinmetz, Nathalie; Pan, Yue; Mei, Jing; Fokoue, Achille; Kalyanpur, Aditya; Kershenbaum, Aaron; Schonberg, Edith; Srinivas, Kavitha; Feier, Cristina; Hench, Graham; Wetzstein, Branimir; Keller, Uwe: Ontology Reasoning With Large Data Repositories. In: Hepp, Martin (Hrsg); De Leenheer, Pieter (Hrsg); De Moor, Aldo (Hrsg); Sure, York (Hrsg): Ontology Management for the Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2007.
- Schumm, David; Leymann, Frank; Ma, Zhilei; Scheibler, Thorsten; Strauch, Steve: Integrating Compliance into Business Processes: Process Fragments as Reusable Compliance Controls. In: Schumann/Kolbe/Breitner/Frerichs (Hrsg): Proceedings of the Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI'10), Göttingen, Germany, February 23-25, 2010 (
- Ma, Zhilei; Lu, Wei; Leymann, Frank: Query Structural Information of BPEL Processes. In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2009), Venice/Mestre, Italy, May 24-28, 2009.
- Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: BPEL Fragments for Modularized Reuse in Modeling BPEL Processes. In: The Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS 2009), Valencia, Spain, April 20-25, 2009.
- Wetzstein, Branimir; Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: Towards Measuring Key Performance Indicators of Semantic Business Processes. In: Abramowicz, Witold (Hrsg); Fensel, Dieter (Hrsg): Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008), Innsbruck, Austria, 5-7 May 2008.
- Karastoyanova, Dimka; van Lessen, Tammo; Leymann, Frank; Ma, Zhilei; Nitzsche, Jörg; Wetzstein, Branimir; Bhiri, Sami; Hauswirth, Manfred; Zaremba, Maciej: A Reference Architecture for Semantic Business Process Management Systems. In: Bichler, Martin (Hrsg); Hess, Thomas (Hrsg); Krcmar, Helmut (Hrsg); Lechner, Ulrike (Hrsg); Matthes, Florian (Hrsg); Picot, Arnold (Hrsg); Speitkamp, Benjamin (Hrsg); Wolf, Petra (Hrsg): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008.
- Mietzner, Ralph; Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: An Algorithm for the Validation of Executable Completions of an Abstract BPEL Process. In: Bichler, Martin (Hrsg); Hess, Thomas (Hrsg); Krcmar, Helmut (Hrsg); Lechner, Ulrike (Hrsg); Matthes, Florian (Hrsg); Picot, Arnold (Hrsg); Speitkamp, Benjamin (Hrsg); Wolf, Petra (Hrsg): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2008.
- van Lessen, Tammo; Wetzstein, Branimir; Nitzsche, Jörg; Ma, Zhilei; Karastoyanova, Dimka; Leymann, Frank: Geschäftsprozessmanagement Meets Semantic Web.. In: Spath, D. (Hrsg); Weisbecker, A. (Hrsg); Höß, O. (Hrsg); Drawehn, J. (Hrsg.) (Hrsg): Tagungsband Science Meets Business. Stuttgarter Softwaretechnik Forum 2007, Fraunhofer IAO, 23. November 2007.
- Ma, Zhilei; Leymann, Frank: A Lifecycle Model for Using Process Fragment in Business Process Modeling. In: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Development, and Support (BPDMS 2008)in conjunctin with The 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'08), Montpellier, France, 16-18 June, 2008.
- Ma, Zhilei; Wetzstein, Branimir; Anicic, Darko; Heymans, Stijn; Leymann, Frank: Semantic Business Process Repository. In: Hepp, Martin (Hrsg); Hinkelmann, Knut (Hrsg); Karagiannis, Dimitris (Hrsg); Klein, Rüdiger (Hrsg); Stojanovic, Nenad (Hrsg): Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management (SBPM 2007) in conjunction with the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007) Innsbruck, Austria, June 7, 2007.
- Wetzstein, Branimir; Ma, Zhilei; Filipowska, Agata; Kaczmarek, Monika; Bhiri, Sami; Losada, Silvestre; Lopez-Cobo, Jose-Manuel; Cicurel, Laurent: Semantic Business Process Management: A Lifecycle Based Requirements Analysis. In: Hepp, Martin (Hrsg); Hinkelmann, Knut (Hrsg); Karagiannis, Dimitris (Hrsg); Klein, Rüdiger (Hrsg); Stojanovic, Nenad (Hrsg): Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management (SBPM 2007) in conjunction with the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2007) Innsbruck, Austria, June 7, 2007.
Sonstige Veröffentlichungen
- Ma, Zhilei: WS-Policy Editor - Ein Werkzeug zum Editieren, Normalisieren, Verschmelzen und Schneiden von Web-Services-Policies, Diplomarbeit Nr. 2405, 2006.