This page provides useful information for doing a project at the Department of Service Computing. The instructions and guidelines are relevant for Bachelor's and Master's theses, research projects, and study projects.
The page is organised into five sections: Registration Process, Work Process and Resources, Deliverables, Code and Thesis/Report Management on GitLab, and Submission Process. Please consult each section at the appropriate phase of your project.
If you are interested in doing a project with us, please check the list of available project topics.
We are looking for a student interested in technology transfer for which funds are available. Please contact Prof. Aiello if you are interested in exploring this opportunity.
Bachelor and Master thesis projects
Please follow these instructions:
- Agree on a thesis project description with your supervisor or examiner.
- Fill in and sign the registration form (download it from your Campus profile). Do not forget to fill in the intended start date of your thesis, too.
- Fill in and sign a contract form.* You will have six months to work on the thesis. The start date in the contract has to be the same as in the registration form. The start date must be a working day (no weekends and public holidays). The end date must be precisely after six months. If the end date falls on a public holiday or a weekend, it has to be the next working day.
- Fill in and sign a license agreement form.* Please fill in your private email address in the corresponding field.
- Fill in and sign a supplementary agreement on the thesis language.* This form should be filled in and signed only if your PO (Prufungsordnung) requires it.
- Send these documents to the supervisor or examiner for a signature.
- You get back the signed registration form from the supervisor or examiner. Register the thesis yourself by handing the signed registration form to the Examination office. The Examination office should confirm the registration.
- The supervisor or examiner sends the rest of the documents to Ms Ibach.
- Send the confirmed thesis registration, project description, and your PO (for Bachelor students) to Ms Ibach (include your supervisor in cc). Ms Ibach then sends you a copy of the following documents: the signed contract, the signed licence agreement, and the signed supplementary agreement on the thesis language (if applicable).
Note: If the student does not want their thesis published, or the student does the thesis in a company and has a non-disclosure agreement, the license agreement has still to be submitted (as it is part of the contract) but crossed out. If there is a non-disclosure agreement, a copy must be submitted, too. Finally, we do not sign any non-disclosure agreements with companies for student projects.
Other student projects
Please follow these instructions:
- Agree on a student project description with your supervisor or examiner.
- Fill in and sign a contract form.* You will have six months to work on the thesis. The start date must be a working day (no weekends and public holidays). The end date must be precisely after six months. If the end date falls on a public holiday or a weekend, it has to be the next working day.
- Send the contract to the supervisor or examiner for a signature.
- The supervisor or examiner sends the contract to Ms Ibach.
- Register the project yourself with the Examination office. Get proof of registration (e.g., a screenshot of C@mpus).
- Send the following to Ms Ibach (include your supervisor in cc): proof of registration and the project description. Ms Ibach then sends you a copy of the signed contract.
Note: For research projects done at companies, when submitting your proposal for supervision, please structure your document in the following way:
- Industrial Background and Problem
- State of the Art on Solutions to the Problem (based on both industrial information and scientific papers)
- Scientific Research Question
- Methodology for Answering the Research Questions (including metrics, data, and evaluation process)
- Timeline
It is essential that the work done at the company includes research goals and scientific methodologies and it is not just an implementation task.
* You can get the form from your supervisor.
We expect students to adopt an independent working style. This includes independent planning, organisation, research, and execution of tasks. Students are encouraged to set their own goals, create their own schedules with deadlines, and monitor their behaviour and progress. Supervisors do not impose any meeting requirements. It is up to the student to decide the frequency of meetings with the supervisor. Please contact the supervisor well in advance to schedule a meeting.
When working on your project, please use the following resources as much as possible:
Concepts and software produced in any project must be published under or compatible with the MIT license.
If the project requires running software, its code should be submitted. This can be done by committing the code to our GitLab (see below). There should also be brief documentation about the installation steps of the software.
Your project should be described in a thesis/report. Both a PDF file and source files of your thesis/report should be committed to our GitLab.
If the project requires presenting the work, the student should give a talk in front of an audience. The presentation should be 25 minutes at most with additional 5 minutes for questions.
Template: IAAS Presentation Template
Students can get one or more repositories in our GitLab to manage their projects. We provide two repositories by default, one for code and one for thesis/report. If you need more repositories, please ask your supervisor. When working with our GitLab, please use these instructions.
Bachelor and Master thesis projects
as specified in the official guidelines:
- The amount of printed and bound copies should be according to Article 5) in the contract. If possible, only one printed copy should be handed in.
- The work must not be bound with a ring binding. Any type of adhesive or glue binding is permitted - preferably with a black linen booklet spine.
- Collect the required number of the thesis covers from the secretary's office approximately 14 days before the submission.
- Submit one separately printed title page of the thesis.
- Submit an electronic version of the final thesis as a PDF file as well as an abstract in .txt format. If the student is enrolled in a German program and the thesis is written in English, a German abstract has to be added. If the student is enrolled in an English program and writes the thesis in German, an English abstract has to be added. These two electronic files can be sent by e-mail, on a stick or on a CD. If a CD is handed in, it must be labelled with the name of the student, the type of thesis (BSc/MSc), and the year of submission.
- Submit the printed copy, the electronic version and the abstract to Ms Ibach no later than the end date of the contract. After the examination by Ms Ibach, the student will receive the separate title page back countersigned as proof of submission.
- Commit the thesis and/or implementation code to our GitLab.
Other student projects
Student(s) commit the report and/or implementation code to our GitLab.
![Dieses Bild zeigt Marco Aiello](,h:150,cx:0,cy:106,cw:427,ch:427)
Marco Aiello
Prof. Dr.Abteilungsleiter
![Dieses Bild zeigt Ilche Georgievski](,h:150,cx:0,cy:3,cw:2000,ch:2000)
Ilche Georgievski
Dr.Akademischer Rat und Leitung Arbeitsbereich Planning, Learning, and Intelligent Systems
[Bild: Ilche Georgievski]
Elisabeth Ibach