- Dozenten
- Raum
- Vorlesungszeitraum
- Termin
Donnerstags, 10:30-12:00
- C@mpus
- Prüfung
- Projekt in Teams (BSL); Gewicht: 0,5
- Schriftliche Prüfung (PL); Gewicht: 0,5
- Materialien
- Smart cities: Dustdar, Schahram, Nastić, Stefan, Šćekić, Ognjen, Smart Cities, The Internet of Things, People and Systems (2017) Springer
- Ubiquitous Computing: George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg and Gordon Blair, Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design (2011) Addison Wesley
- WSN: Holger Karl, Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks (2007) Wiley
- Planning: notes from the lecturers
- Sprache
- Dozenten
- Raum
- Übungszeitraum
- Termin
Mittwochs, 14:00-15:30
- C@mpus
Smart Cities and Internet of Things
- Sprache
The course explores the emerging concept of Smart cities from an architectural and technological perspective. Ubiquitous computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Service-Orientation, Wireless sensor networks, and Artificial Intelligence Planning are all relevant areas for creating smart cities. Three case studies recur in the course: smart mobility, smart buildings, and smart grids. At the end of the course, the student is expected to be able to analyse and design systems for smart cities from the architectural point of view. The student is also expected to be able to implement IoT systems with AI Planning capabilities.
During the lab sessions and for the final project, the students will work on the Raspberry Pi platform creating basic and intermediate ubiquitous systems which interact on a network to create IoT examples.
Marco Aiello
Prof. Dr.Abteilungsleiter
Ilche Georgievski
Dr.Akademischer Rat und Leitung Arbeitsbereich Planning, Learning, and Intelligent Systems
[Bild: Ilche Georgievski]