The Project
Scientific applications have come to play a crucial role in securing outcomes and results from research projects, especially in the humanities. Presentational systems, interactive visualizations, research databases, digital editions, and digital research environments serve as working tools, platforms of dissemination and aggregation and have become an integral part of day-to-day research work. Keeping them alive, maintaining them, and ensuring their long-term availability beyond limited funding periods is a major organizational and ultimately financial challenge.
While it is comparably easy to conserve static research data in repositories with long-term preservation, living systems face different exposure. They are part of a digital ecosystem and as such need to be adjusted regularly, e.g. by updating the various components. In this project, we seek to transfer solutions developed in the context of cloud computing and provisioning strategies and adjust these methods and technologies towards the living systems that are currently running at the Data Center for the Humanities (DCH) at the University of Cologne. We will use the OASIS standard TOSCA and its open-source implementation OpenTOSCA, which was developed at the Institute of Architecture of Application Systems (IAAS) at the University of Stuttgart.
During the project period, use-cases for scientific applications will be analyzed in order to identify key components with a high potential of creating synergistic effects, as well as typical software architectures and common management tasks. Findings will be modeled as components and application templates and implemented respectively in the OpenTOSCA environment. These efforts aim at developing a standardized approach to providing and maintaining key components of scientific applications. Results and best practices will be documented and edited in a manner that enables partners and fellow research data centers to apply them practically in their respective institutions. Two workshops will be organized in the course of the project to optimize knowledge transfer to interested parties in the research data community.
With this project, the DCH and the IAAS will make an important contribution to the development of a more efficient approach towards long-time operation and maintenance of scientific applications in the humanities, and thus also to the reduction of running costs.
Das Konsortium
- University of Cologne - Data Center for the Humanities (DCH)
- University of Stuttgart, Institute of Architecture of Application Systems
Journal Papers
- Harzenetter, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Képes, Kálmán; Leymann, Frank: Freezing and Defrosting Cloud Applications: Automated Saving and Restoring of Running Applications. In: Software-Intensive Cyber-Physical Systems (SICS). Vol. 35, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019 (pdf, bibTex).
Conference Papers
- Harzenetter, Lukas; Binz, Tobias; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank; Wurster, Michael: Automated Generation of Management Workflows for Running Applications by Deriving and Enriching Instance Models. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2021), SciTePress, 2021 (pdf, bibTex).
- Wild, Karoline; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Vietz, Daniel; Zimmermann, Michael: TOSCA4QC: Two Modeling Styles for TOSCA to Automate the Deployment and Orchestration of Quantum Applications. In: Proceedings of the 24th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2020), IEEE, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Harzenetter, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Guth, Jasmin; Leymann, Frank: Pattern-based Deployment Models Revisited: Automated Pattern-driven Deployment Configuration. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Pervasive Patterns and Applications (PATTERNS 2020), Xpert Publishing Services, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Schildkamp, Philip; Harzenetter, Lukas; Mathiak, Brigitte; Neuefeind, Claes; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Workshop on Modelling and Maintaining Research Applications in TOSCA. In: DH2020, ADHO, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Harzenetter, Lukas; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank; Mathiak, Brigitte; Schildkamp, Philip; Neuefeind, Claes: Analysis and Categorisation of Research Software in the Digital Humanities. In: DH2020, ADHO, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Zimmermann, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Yussupov, Vladimir: Self-Contained Service Deployment Packages. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2020), SciTePress, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Wurster, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Soldani, Jacopo; Yussupov, Vladimir: TOSCA Light: Bridging the Gap between the TOSCA Specification and Production-ready Deployment Technologies. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2020), SciTePress, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Wurster, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Brogi, Antonio; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Soldani, Jacopo: Technology-Agnostic Declarative Deployment Automation of Cloud Applications. In: Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2020), Springer International Publishing, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Schildkamp, Philip; Harzenetter, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank; Mathiak, Brigitte; Neuefeind, Claes: Modellierung und Verwaltung von DH-Anwendungen in TOSCA. In: DHd 2020 Spielräume: Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation. Konferenzabstracts, Zenodo, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Harzenetter, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank; Saatkamp, Karoline; Weder, Benjamin; Wurster, Michael: Automated Generation of Management Workflows for Applications Based on Deployment Models. In: 2019 IEEE 23rd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2019), IEEE, 2019 (pdf, bibTex).
- Neuefeind, Claes; Schildkamp, Philip; Mathiak, Brigitte; Marčic, Aleksander; Hentschel, Frank; Harzenetter, Lukas; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Sustaining the Musical Competitions Database: A TOSCA-based Approach to Application Preservation in the Digital Humanities. In: Book of Abstracts of the Digital Humanities Conference 2019 (DH2019), Utrecht, 9.7. – 12.7.2019, ADHO, 2019 (pdf, bibTex).
- Saatkamp, Karoline; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank: An Approach to Determine & Apply Solutions to Solve Detected Problems in Restructured Deployment Models Using First-Order Logic. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), SciTePress, 2019 (pdf, bibTex).
- Neuefeind, Claes; Schildkamp, Philip; Mathiak, Brigitte; Harzenetter, Lukas; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Leymann, Frank: Technologienutzung im Kontext Digitaler Editionen. Eine Landschaftsvermessung. In: DHd 2019 Digital Humanities: multimedial & multimodal. Konferenzabstracts., Zenodo, 2019 (pdf, bibTex).
- Harzenetter, Lukas; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Guth, Jasmin; Krieger, Christoph; Leymann, Frank: Pattern-based Deployment Models and Their Automatic Execution. In: 11th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2018), IEEE Computer Society, 2018 (pdf, bibTex).
- Neuefeind, Claes; Harzenetter, Lukas; Schildkamp, Philip; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Mathiak, Brigitte; Barzen, Johanna; Leymann, Frank: The SustainLife Project – Living Systems in Digital Humanities. In: Papers From the 12th Advanced Summer School of Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSOC 2018), IBM Research Division, 2018 (pdf, bibTex).
- Falazi, Ghareeb; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Falkenthal, Michael; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Yussupov, Vladimir: Blockchain-based Collaborative Development of Application Deployment Models. In: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2018 Conferences (CoopIS 2018), Springer International Publishing, 2018 (pdf, bibTex).
- Neuefeind, Claes; Schildkamp, Philip; Mathiak, Brigitte; Barzen, Johanna; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank: Lebende Systeme in den Digital Humanities – das Projekt SustainLife. In: 20. Workshop Software-Reengineering und -Evolution (WSRE 2018) der GI-Fachgruppe Software-Reengineering, Bad-Honnef, 02.-04. Mai 2018, Proceedings, GI Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2018 (pdf, bibTex).
- Wurster, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Soldani, Jacopo: TOSCA Lightning: An Integrated Toolchain for Transforming TOSCA Light into Production-Ready Deployment Technologies. In: Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE Forum 2020), Springer International Publishing, 2020 (pdf, bibTex).
- Wurster, Michael; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Brogi, Antonio; Falazi, Ghareeb; Harzenetter, Lukas; Leymann, Frank; Soldani, Jacopo; Yussupov, Vladimir: The EDMM Modeling and Transformation System. In: Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2019 Workshops, Springer, 2019 (pdf, bibTex).
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Uwe Breitenbücher
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Former Lead of Research Area Architectures and Middleware